25. June 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Is there anyway one can backup/Restore RSS feeds from one computer to another?  This is in WLM 2012.

I have hundreds of feeds in my WLM2012 and I need to move them to another computer - Laptop so that I have access to them whenever I need to.

I didn't find the appropriate topic from this drop-down list so perhaps these forums are over-kill to a certain extent when all I want is straight answer to a straight question.



I'm helping a friend with her computer and MS-account. When installing Windows 8.1 and in some other cases MS-account wants to verify your account by reentering your mail-adress and you should get a 4-digit code back to your mail. Now, my friend only has a Hotmail-adress registerd to her account, no other information. So when asking for verifying an e-mail adress she can only verify to her Hotmail. And the code doesn't show up. I suspect that you can't verify an account to itself so were stuck in a loop here. Does someone have a tips for this scenario?


I'm aware that the problem has been discussed before. I'm posting because the prescribed fixes don't work.

Symptoms: When the Photo Gallery Screen Saver is selected, the screen goes black and in addition the computer doesn't return to normal upon key press/mouse movement. (I have to start task manager and kill the task).

Suggested solutions: 

1. Make sure Win 7 is in balanced power mode. I've verified my computer is

2. Make sure there are no bad shortcuts in the destination directories. I've connected another computer to the same source photo directory (it is a network drive) and it works fine, so it can't be that either.

I'd love to make this work as the thought of having screen savers not show certain tags and only high-star photos is very appealing but I'm at a loss for next steps now.

Thanks for your help!


03. May 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I have recently been having problems with my version of moviemaker, Its the latest one for my computer, I'm on windows 7 so I have that version of movie maker. The problem is that I make my movies just fine, I mainly use gifs and just the movie maker text slides inserted inbetween and of course a bit of audio to finish it all off. I've always done this and never experienced a problem before but lately I have been trying to save my projects onto my computer to upload to other things and they just won't save, I click save project onto computer and it just freezes up on me and tells me its not responding and it stays that way so that I'm left with the problem of not being able to save to my computer. Help please? 

I have a Windows 7 computer upgraded to windows 8.1 and all was working well until I installed update KB2919355.  I can put my computer to sleep, but when I click the space bar the power light briefly turns from orange to the familiar blue and then shuts down completely.  I restored to an earlier date and confirmed I could successfully wake it from sleep.  I then installed only the aforementioned update and the problem resurfaced.  I hope I am not the only one and a fix will be available.  Meanwhile I am trying my best to insure this update does not get installed.

Thank you.

I recently changed companies and am trying to import my contacts from an OLM file I created at the old company.  The import worked perfectly except that the contacts are "on my computer" not on the server.  As a result they do not sync with my iPad or iPhone.  I have tried to "drag" the contacts up from the "on my computer" section to our corporate folder (server) but to no avai.  I am one of a very few number of Mac users so our IT support is not familiar with how to do this.  Appreciate any ideas that you might have!

I am so sorry - i never tried dragging the items individually from the "on my computer" to the server...  That worked perfectly.  This is closed.

21. April 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
For some reason I am unable today to upload pictures from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to my computer. I have had no problems before. The last time I did it was three weeks ago. A message keeps coming up saying I do not have the necessary software. Yet I have made no changes to my phone or my computer in that time. What is going on?
08. April 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags:


Windows Live Mail - eMail -


WLM - No "content" when cc or bcc received on MY computer - all OK received on other computers

.          ONLY the SUBJECT & the TO ADDRESS are in CCs & BCCs received on my (the source) computer.

.          the "sent mail" folder contains the FULL CONTENT <<==

WHY do MY WLM eMails - my cc's or bcc's -
.    come in to MY inbox with
.    NO CONTENT (usually but not always) -
.    containing ONLY the
.       SUBJECT & the
.       TO ADDRESS .     <== ???  ???
and - also -  
.    They come in with no content
.    to my wife's address InBox -
.         on MY computer  -  
but -
OK - full content is shown on the copies
.    in MY computer's  " sent mail " folder
and - Also -
.    OK - full content -
.    on my wife's & other recipients computers ???