I've been trying to recover my hotmail address for close to a week now. Trying to go through the password reset option that sends a code to a phone number results in me never receiving a text, despite knowing for a fact that my correct phone number is
on file. Using the alternate option and providing a ton of information to verify that the address is mine results in me receiving an email with a password reset link that has "already expired or been used before." So I have finally created a new outlook identity
just to be able to communicate with any sort of support in order to recover my ancient hotmail address - what needs to be done to receive a password reset email that HASN'T expired before I can even use it?!
Hotmail has my correct phone number, but when the "Call us overprotective..." page comes up and I click "next" to get my security code, nothing is sent to my phone. This is the last time that I can log in! Help!!
Just opened OutLook acct. How do I vdrify I used correct phone number?
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