I want to use outlook for my custom domain, but domain name contains Polish diacritic characters. I have tried both versions of IRI and URI.
With IRI (sołtysik.net.pl) I see error message like this: We don't recognize this as a valid domain name.
and with URI (xn--sotysik-ojb.net.pl): This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.

It is my private domain, not for comercial use.

Can you help me with this?



My custom domain was active for years in the Admin Center (domains.live.com) ... now it is not showing up in the Admin Center


I waited a couple of months, especially since the Oct wave was near RTW ... and I did check periodically ... but given its already Nov, thought it best to ping y'all


Appreciate any/all assistance ... Cheers! Tex «±»



I set up a custom domain on Outlook.com last week and so far have had very inconsistent results in receiving email to this domain or any of its user accounts.

The MX record is set to that given on domains.live.com and has updated fine, there is a valid SPF record and both have propagated via DNS.

I can receive some mail to the account, but the bulk of my sending tests (and those of others) have failed but the reason I am concerned is that they fail with the message that they cannot connect to the host:

Generating server: AMSPR04MB116.eurprd04.prod.outlook.com
Receiving server: emea01-internal.map.protection.outlook.com (
11/8/2013 2:05:47 PM - Remote Server at emea01-internal.map.protection.outlook.com ( returned '550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'
11/8/2013 1:56:19 PM - Remote Server at emea01-internal.map.protection.outlook.com ( returned '450 4.7.0 Proxy session setup failed on Frontend with '441 4.4.1 Error encountered while communicating with primary target IP address: "Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10060, Win32 error code: 10060." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was''

Gmail also fails with a similar message:

The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more athttp://support.google.com/
[(0) <snip>. []:25: Connection timed out]

What is concerning is that that IP address ( is not associated with the MX record domains.live.com requires for my domain, as that resolves to the following:

9b2ed3d204a2e245bc81251b8df996.pamx1.hotmail.com has address
9b2ed3d204a2e245bc81251b8df996.pamx1.hotmail.com has address

The other concerning thing is that I cannot send email between Outlook.com accounts on this domain either - I would have thought that that was a purely internal thing and work irregardless but evidentally not!

Does anyone have any thoughts?


Some months ago I setup a custom domain under outlook.com. Setup a couple of e-mail addresses, which all work great!


Now I want to make a change to the custom domain, but (A) can find it when logged in with my *** Email address is removed for privacy *** . Or, (B) I might have another Microsoft/live account that was used to setup the custom domain, but I cant find that info. Sorry.


Thank you!

I need password reset option enabled for my custons domains emails on the Windows Live Admin center


My domains name is : triacca.com.br and reidecopas.com


I have setup my custom domain on domains.live.com. 
1) www.ayrussoft.com
2) www.ayrussystems.com

I want to reset the password for one email account. But I dont see any option in the admin area kindly help me out.

I have configured my custom domain to be routed through the outlook server.
I have updated the MX server name and all required entries mentioned in the steps for configuration.
The issue now is that I am able to send mails, but then I am not able to receive mails from others.
Incoming mails go through the old mail box (default mailbox of the host).
Its been more than 48 hrs, still the incoming mails are routed to old mailbox.

Is there any setting need to be done in cpanel of the server host (FYI, my host and domain registrar are different)

I am trying to set up a Custom Domain for e-mail hosting using Windows Live Mail.  I have followed the instructions on 'Windows Live Admin Center'  but have only succeeded in being able to receive e-mails into the account and not been able to send.  When I try it asks for the account to be verified...this i did on two occasions via text code, it still asks for the account to be verified and will no longer send a verification text code.

I have contacted my Domain provider 1&1 but their reply was:
Thank you for contacting us.

Are you trying to associated your  mailserver to MS365? If so, we suggest to contact the Microsofy to check if your domain name has been fully associated to MS365. As we checked the domain name was pointed to the mailserver below:

IdyllicImagery.co.uk mail is handled by 10 f87445bde5eb0f44ae85653611ac38.pamx1.

Please contact your mail provider to check the outgoing server. Thank you!

So I am no further forward.

Any suggestions?