Does anyone have an anticipated release date for Office for Mac 2011 Version 14.2.3? I must get the issue with the outlook date dropping and other nuances fixed. thank you.

David Boatman
I keep receiving emails, suposedly, from either windows live team or msn customer care, asking for personal info like user id, password, date of birth, and country of origin.  I can I find out if these emails are legit or some attempt at id theft and if it is phoney how and who do i report them to?
I have received a number of emails supposedly from "Windows Life Team" telling me I must send them my user name, password and date of birth.  I keep deleting but they say if I don't send I will be shut down.  Is this for real?

In the mail client for windows live, how do you mass delete the entire contents, or contents prior to a particular date, etc without having to delete every message one a time?

And why doesn't your organization publish sensible detailed instructions on how to use your products? Does it have to do with job security?



I'm about to trash all microsoft c r a p and go with user friendly products and stop supporting your organization with my hard EARNED money.

I am receiving an email that says it is from Windows Live Service and that my account hasn't been updated by customer care account care services.  Is this a phishing scam since it is asking for my full name, user name, password, birth date and country or territory? It is stating this is necessary to avoid blocking of my account and it is a backup. Where can I send this email to in case it is a phishing scam?
20. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,
please help i have been asked to up date my windows live account asking to upgrade our new secured antivirus 2012 version to prevent damages telling me full name ,user name password date of birth country territory is this window live or is this a SCAM  it says DGTFX VIRUS in folder has been detected 
My question is in the title. If you need further amplification, please contact me. Thank you.

The crux of the problem is this. I'm being bombarded about every 2 or 3 days by somebody purporting to be an employee of Hotmail asking to verify my account, asking for address, password, date of birth, country, etc. This all come over an unsecured address. This has been going on for some time, and I think it is about time you do something about it. Occasionally, I respond to them with bogus information, and report it to local law enforcement and the FBI, Cyber Crimes division. I've also contacted you twice, no response. You seem to make it difficult to contact you, either by email or telephone, since no number is listed for Hotmail. Only snail mail, which is my next step.

This is frustrating. I personally don't believe these people work for you; but you should be concerned, because they use YOUR brand, YOUR trademarks, YOUR logos, etc. This is not some amateur bunch of hackers out there, and you might have some legal liability issues if you don't stop them.

Hopefully, this will get through to a legitimate employee, and some measures will be taken. Thank you.