If I mark several e-mails for deletion using the ctrl or shift key, instead of letting me continue to expand the list, individual e-mails start opening and I have to delete each e-mail one at a time before I can return to the list. A few months ago I
could mark large lists and delete long lists of marked e-mails.
How do I highlight my emails in my inbox to be deleted at once one time) without highlighting each one at a time all the way down?
I am using hotmail and have reached my email capacity. I've completed a mass deletion and I now require emails to be deleted from the server. How can I do this please?
I've just accidentally deleted an important email containing an Xbox Gold redemption code from my deleted messages folder before having used the code!! Is there a way to get it back please? I've read that the microsoft staff may be able to help?
I used to be able to forward an email ( in Hotmail) and delete name , subject matter , etc of attached email. New 2012 Hotmail/Outlook combines all same subject matter emails and I can no longer delete prior emails from being forwarded...only solution
I have found is to switch to GMAIL.
See the caption above. nothing more need be said. I did not authorize this deletion!
I linked my two email accounts. All the emails associated with the secondary account were deleted. If Microsoft has a practice of deleting email, why couldn't it have either merged the two accounts or notified me via email to my primary account about
its pending automated deletion of email associated with my secondary account? This practice is so unacceptable. How do I get my emails back? Microsoft's automated support just says "sorry, your email is permanently deleted"
I tag phishing e-mails. Hotmail then transfers them to my deleted file. Does something happen to these e-mails beyond simple deletion, and if so, what?
After getting a smartphone, I synched my Hotmail email on the smartphone and the home computer. When I delete an email from
the home computer, it deletes on the smartphone and works perfectly. However, when I delete an email from the smartphone, it
does NOT delete on the home computer. What do I need to do?
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