

I would like to know if the Windows Essentials desktop applications would be available for Windows 8.1.


Presently I am running Windows 8 Pro and am using the Windows Essentials 2012 desktop applications.


In any case, would I be able to run them after upgrading (or rather updating) to Windows 8.1 or would I have to install them again (as well as other desktop applications)?


Further, I have created two partitions on my PC's HDD and the SkyDrive desktop app' is installed on the 'D:' drive and now that SkyDrive would be integrated even more deeply on Windows 8.1, would it be possible for me to continue using SkyDrive over the 'D:' drive as I am using it now or do I have to create a new set-up (over the existing one) during the upgrade? Are there any chances of duplication of files during this process?


Furthermore, at present, I have more than 5 GB of files on my SkyDrive and after I upgrade to Windows 8.1, would all those files remain available for offline access or do I have to enable offline access for them individually?


That's all for now; I'll post more if required.



This really is driving me crazy, any solutions?

I have deleted ALL of my Skype contacts. I deleted them on the desktop applications and the Windows 8 App.

I boot up these services and the contacts do not appear. 

However when I log into Outlook.com and click the People tab, they still show up.

And as you all know, you can't change Skype contacts in Outlook.

This really is infuriating and I need a fix, anyone?