I reloaded windows 7. How can I download hot mail to my desktop so I can get and read my email on my desktop?
My attchments are encoded; I need to change that.  I was told to move the attachment to my desktop, but do not see any means for doing that on Hotmail.
I  have downloaded some photos into a folder on my desktop.  How can I attach the photos or the folder to an email I want to send from my hotmail account?

Outlook office 2011, 

Categorize colors of Contacts do not show in Mail window. 

Works in Main Identity area but not in other user area.

On my Mac, I have the main identity (admin) and my own desktop.

My wife has another login with her own desktop (Standard).

When I open Outlook, I see the mail window in my area, my email is the color of the Contact that I set in the Contacts Categorize option.

This is what I expect.

However when I start Outlook in my wife's user area (standard), the mail is NOT the colors of the Contact that was set in the Contacts Categorize option.

For both areas under Outlook Preferences, Categories, the Assign categories to messages from categorized contacts is check marked.

So how do I get my wifes area mail window to show the contact colors in the mail window ?

Why has my hotmail account become saturated with junkmail? I have stopped using Hotmail due to the high number of junk emails I receive on a weekly basis, 50-100 per week. I have blocked senders repeatedly to no avail. I have tried to use an alternate email address without success.

My desktop and laptop operate with Windows 7. My Windows 7 smartphone operates with Windows 7.5 technology. (Note: junk email does not reach my smartphone.)

Further, I use Outlook 2007 as my email client.

I have adjusted settings, attempted a new email address for Hotmail and now Outlook.Com is the new email that will require me to reset all accounts that are associated with email including my smartphone having to be completely wiped and setup from scratch.

The junk email has increased on a daily basis.... Can this problem be solve with the least amount of difficulty?

I can drag and drop emails to my desktop from my Inbox and other folders fine.

However if I perform a search, I cannot drag and drop the emails that have shown up from the search results..

I need to be able to search for a particular email and drag and drop it to my desktop.
Before the latest update, I have been able to drag email messages to the desktop in order to place them in appropriate folders for future use. Now I cannot even drag them to folders within Outlook. Why???
Trying to implement email retention policy where archived email is not allowed.

Windows XP, Hotmail.  When I receive e-mails on my desk top the time is 4 hours off.  Instead of 1 PM it will be 5 PM.  The time on my desktop

is correct.