I am trying to add the domain trustmetric.com and am getting this error.

I have searched the forum...it appears "trust" is a protected word, which is strange IMO. Can you please whitelist this domain on my account?

Mike West
I've registered a new domain name (fusingbytes.com) for an IT consulting firm, and I'm trying to sign up for the Microsoft Services Custom Domains with it, but I'm getting the message: "This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case."

Any help is appreciated.

Hi i have a domian registered to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** but as this is my personal one i want to change it to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** whixh i have created.

but everytime i go to register the domain i get the following error

This domain name can't be used with Admin Center because it's already registered with Microsoft. If you own this domain and want assistance please contact support.

Hello there,
I tried to register my domain with domains.live.com for email service but getting notice: This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case
The domain name is vietnamvisa-onarrival.com and bestvisavietnam.com
1st i did thought that the issue come because of containing the "visa" word in the domain name. Maybe it's automatic blocked for some bad purposes of using visa card or something like that.
But the business is about visa and passport services (almost for travelling purposes), nothing's similar to visa card or any credit/debit cards informations.
Please check and help!

Thank you!
I am trying to register the following domain with live.com

but unfortunately we are getting the following message:
This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.
We are a network of people working for human rights. May you kindly see the matter and resolve the issue at your earliest.
Thank you in anticipation.
Best Regards
Hi All, 

I am facing the issue domain name contains a protected word not able to create microsoft services for my domain using outlook.com

My domains names are srjfinancialservices.in and creditcardchennai.com 

please help


Mohan D

Trying to use vidinternational.org with Outlook but comes up with this error.


Vid International is a pre-school - No bad words there! :-S


Please help!

Domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language srikanthinternational.com

Hi Sir,

I am trying to register the domain name www.srikanthinternational.com. I see the following error :

Domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language


Please check and resolve the issue.
I'm trying to register beesites.co.uk for an email service and I get the This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case. error.
Nothing on the support page as suggested, anyone got any ideas?
Domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language.

Domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language drambedkarcharitabletrust.org
Hi Sir,

I am trying to register the domain name www.drambedkarcharitabletrust.org. I see the following error :

Domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language

Company's name: trust insurance 

Please check and resolve the issue.

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***