Hi There!

While using Microsoft outlook services for my domain www.mgippl.com I am getting the following error :-
This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.

my domain does not contain any inappropriate content or language, please check and fix this issue.

Domain Name : www.mgippl.com

Thanks and Regards
--Corp Web--


I am not able to configure my domain with http://domains.live.com its showing massage "This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case."     my domain name is "www.ideliversolutions.com"

please help me out.

When I try to add my domain name (winson.org) in Windows Live admin center, I get the message above. Obviously this is a mistake. How do I get around this?
This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.

Why can't i add www.comeoninternational.com ? please can you help me ?

I am trying to add my domain to this service:




I receive this error:


This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.


The domain is: marchbanks.org



I'm trying to set up email for a domain winsclubholidays.com but I get this error message. Last time I faced the same issue with other domain and got help from this community. I request you to help me with this new domain again. 
Dear Microsoft team,

I just purchase a domain (bidadarisyurga.com) and I love outlook.com e-mail system.

I try to setup e-mail inside outlook.com but received error.

This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language.

Please contact support if you feel this is not the case

Please advise the next step.

I am unable to add Martinsystems.net to domains.live.com. I receive the following error:

This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.”

Please approve this domain. It is used for family/friends and my consulting business.




Dear Support Team,


I am attempting to setup Outlook.com for my domain jennfryerwrites.com.  However, when I attempt to register at domains.live.com, I get the error message:


This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language


Could you please assist in unblocking this domain from registration?



