I recently purchased a 64 bit computer with Windows 7 OS and Windows Live mail, and a Canon 700F scanner.


The scanner is supposed to attach scanned documents to the email program just by a push of the E-Mail buttom on the end of the unit.  This fails to happen, howerver.  I am fairly confident that I have properly selected the various settings and preferences on the scanner, and have also downloaded the latest drivers for the scanner.


When the attachment fails, a message pops up advising to check the mail programsettings.  I have looked at the various settings, but cannot find any that I think would make a difference.


Any help in this regard would be appreciated.



warum kann nicht bei msn anmelden und  steht das  Error Code 81000605

bei e-mail adrresse kann mich schon rein gehen

mit freundlischen grusse



je veux placer une annonce sur kijiji, je suis bloqué quand mon ancienne adresse e-mail est affichée et je ne trouve pas le moyen de l enlever pour mettre ma nouvelle adresse.
I am getting e mail in my Internet Explorer  (removed) address but not Windows Live Mail - a window keeps comming up saying incorrect password.
i GOT AN E-MAIL FROM supposely hotmail team saying that if i don't update my account that my account will be deleted.It's from (removed PII) this legit???? cause they are asking for my info ,password and all the other info of my account.Please help????