
I am the admin of http://theclunkerjunker.com. We use Outlook.com under a custom domain for email.  I have a user who needs their email password reset but I don't see the option to do so from the domains control panel.

Is there a way to do this with Outlook? If not, what options do I have for someone who can't log into their account?
Please enable email password reset for domain mikoss.lv that I manage through domains.live.com.
My account *** Email address is removed for privacy *** has been hijacked.  this is an account that I have never used to send email from although it belongs to me.  I don't know how long it's been hijacked but I do know that i have 2 emails that was sent to this address and the only way I knew is because I received  calls from 2 of the individuals who sent email to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** because i didn't respond so I asked them to forward them to me and sure enough email was sent to this account but when i went to sign in i couldn't when i tried to reset my password i could not use the options listed because the one listed to email password reset is not mine i presume it belongs to the person who hijacked the account as well the security question is not one that i set up or know the answer to so I have no way to retrieve the account please help