I want to click on an email attachment to preview it before I download it. Is this possible? I am forever having to clean out my download folder.

suddenly I can't open my emails.  everything is slower but when i finally get into hotmail...none of my emails will open or even delete


[Moved - IE7, XP]

everything loads quickly on my MAC but my hotmail takes forever to open an email. any thoughts?

I need to review my "groups" in my contact list.  I can't open individual groups to check to see if I have all the names included in each group.


Thank you. 

**Removed fo rprivacy**

Hello Everyone,

I came up with a question of how to completely delete / cancel the email account. The problem is that I have registered 2 email accounts in the system and both of them appears in my log-in panel on the left upper side of the webpage. If necessary I could send a screenshot.

However, I would like to completely delete the account as I don't want to use it anymore. The account was somehow blocked before and had to be reactivating. I didn't want to reactivate it, but just clicking on the link - I signed automatically and account became re-activated again. This is the message I always receive:
Ihr Konto wurde aktiviert.
Sie haben sich anscheinend in den letzten 9 Monaten nicht bei Ihrem Konto angemeldet. Wir dachten, Sie hätten das Konto aufgegeben. Daher wurden die E-Mails gelöscht. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde jedoch für den Fall, dass Sie sich erneut anmelden, beibehalten.

Melden Sie sich mindestens alle 9 Monate bei Ihrem Konto an, damit es aktiv bleibt und keine Nachrichten verloren gehen.

Zum Posteingang

It basically says that due to the reason I logged again into the account it was activated again. I had tried to delete it using this link: http://windows.microsoft.com/is-IS/windows-live/account-close-account. It didn't work. When I click again to the email in my upper left side drop-down menu - the email gets reactivated again.

HOW CAN I COMPLETELY REMOVE THE ACCOUNT. If necessary I can send the both email accounts.   

When Amazon sends me a confirmation email, or a request to rate a product I bought, the email ALWAYS goes to my 'sent' folder, so I never see it unless I manually look in my sent folder. Any ideas how I can fix this?

Just got  new computer with windows 7.  On my other computer when sending or fowarding an email and clicking on "to" my address list would come up with either my frequntly used or all of my contacts. This one only gives me all of them. I tryed to put some contacts into favorites but they don't show up. Is there a way to get both the long and short list?



how do i withdraw an email that i sent?



I'm running windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and using Windows Live Mail.  Recently, the categories that I have set up in contacts are not saved so that when I try to email a category, there are no contacts in them .  I have gone back and re-entered the contacts and clicked save but It still doesn't save them when I go to use them.  