I recently discovered that Windows Movie Maker was not installed in my computer (which is weird since it is a very standard program). I went to the Microsoft website and installed it. I did not install all of the MS Essential programs that it wants you to install since I don't need them. I just wanted the Movie Maker.
After the Installation was completed, upon program start up I got an error message that said UXCore.dll was missing. I copy and pasted this shared file from the program folders to the system32 folder.... then I got the error message that another file was missing. I repeated the process mentioned before with the new file and now I get wlidcli.dll is missing from my computer. this time I cannot find it anywhere.
How can I fix this problem?
Thank you!!
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10060
I rec'd this error message when I tried sending an email with a photo attachment:
The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's email address. The sender's email address was '*** Email address is removed for privacy ***'.
Subject 'Emailing: 8-27-11 464'
Server Error: 530
Server Response: 530 5.7.1 Authentication required
Server: 'outbound.att.net'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC78
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 465
Secure(SSL): Yes
How do I fix this issue?
I'm trying to download Windows Essentials, in particular Photo Gallery and get the following error message: error: 800440705. Source: D3DX10_42. Can any body help?
Colin Keeper.
I can't send from WLM.
The error message doesn't match the 50 pages of sending & receiving questions and answers in the community.
Since I cant send, this question cannot reach you.
please respond to *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.
The following is the error message I receive:
"The message could not be sent. The setting for your outgoing email (SMTP) server might need to be configured. To find the server settings for "(I tried several addressees)' please contact your email service provider. Server error 554. Server Response 554 5.7.1 (R8) Authentication Failed, must login. Server 'smtp.q.com'. Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc79 Protocol SMTP Port: 25 Secure (SSL): No."
Now my centrurylink provider's email program is/runs/sends fine (they checked it out and referred me back to M'Soft). M'Soft blew me off 4 times, so am seeking help from the community. I have read all posts (you guys are pros) and tried a few things (like fixing W Essentials), but nothing matches my error message. Am using Win 8.1, and my wife prefers WLM but can't send. I use the q.com (CenturyLink) email. (Would appreciate a CC: response at that linked address: *** Email address is removed for privacy *** as well).
I think it is the set up for WLM (Port 25 doesn't look right). Login shouldn't be a problem, as when I open my computer each morning I sign in to the computer with *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, so I don't understand error msg "failed, must log in".
Gratefully appreciate your help.
Have tried the solutions offered on previous postings relating to this error, ie, reconfiguring Live Mail and the 'Fix It' solution, but still receiving the same error message. Windows Live Mail is now stuck on 'Windows Live Mail is synchronising this account. Check back in a few minutes'. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I believe I know what caused the problem but now I need to know how to fix it.
Last night I sent an email to a friend with an attachment. I didn't realize until I hit Send that the attachment was 10mg. It seemed to send okay but since then I have been getting this error. Below is the error message and the version of Live Mail that I am running.
PLEASE DO NOT tell me to re-configure my email account. That seems to be the canned response any time there is a problem with Live Mail. There should be procedures that will handle any error message received that does not require reconfiguring. That seems like a copout because people are too lazy to find a real solution.
My internet connection is so slow that it makes a snail look like he is in warp-drive. So there has to be some other solution rather than re-configuring.
Thank you for any reasonable solution you can provide.
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80191002
Live Mail Version: Version 2011 (Build 15.4.3555.0308)
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