Everything was fine as recently as two days ago, then Hotmail stopped synching.  I powered the iphone 4s down and restarted - same issue.  I also uninstalled and reinstalled hotmail with partial success.  The account shows emails for 1 month up to 7/30/13, but nothing after that.  I am unable to send or receive emails from my hotmail account on my iphone.  Any leads on how to fix this issue?
I can not send or receive emails on my iphone or ipad, error message is can not connect to server.  This has been now for 3 days.

I have Office 2010 on my Win 7 desktop.  I have a rule in my destop outlook to forward mail to my outlook.com account.  These bounce back with the error message:


   Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

        Subject:    FW: Kahkwa Golf

        Sent: 8/16/2013 7:21 AM

   The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

      denny's outlook (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) on 8/16/2013 7:21 AM  (note - I edited my address for this post)

            Server error: '421 4.1.8 - Domain of recipient does not resolve [R0309001]'

 Is the problem at your end or my end?



I got error message with the code below:



"0x80004002 - JavaScript runtime error: No such interface supported"




var authenticator = new Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.OnlineIdAuthenticator();

var serviceTicketRequest = new Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest("wl.basic", "DELEGATION");

authenticator.authenticateUserAsync(serviceTicketRequest, Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.CredentialPromptType.promptIfNeeded)

.done(function (){...});


The error is gone after remove the second param "Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.CredentialPromptType.promptIfNeeded". But I can see the API support the 2nd param from IntelliSense in VS2012. Any idea?



When trying to retrieve emails via my iPhone 5 I get the error message 'cannot get mail connection to the server failed'. Occasionally, I get emails but when trying to read the content cannot be downloaded.
Please assist!
"something went wrong, we can't help you out right now"  Error message for 3 days now trying to get on Outlook.com for e-mail.  Can get on my desktop, not this laptop.  why?  how to fix?

We have a private domain (mobuy.ro) with the e-mail server hosted by outlook.com. We have an account we use to communicate to clients, including automated messages such as "forgot password" and "email confirmation", among other things.

We can no longer use this e-mail address (contact@..) because your service restricts the use of our e-mail addresses on our own domain. This is the error message:
DeliveryError: Message delivery failed: 552 5.3.4 Requested action aborted; Our daily message limit was meant to stop spammers--we're sorry that it's getting in your way. You can wait a day to send your message.

Besides taking our service elsewhere (changing microsoft's outlook.com with a better provider), is there another solution for this problem?

Signed in to Outlook account.  Get error message regarding "you might have issues syncing email to your mobile device."

I have never synced email to my mobile device.  I have been having this problem for the last 2 days.


What's going on with this?

I keep getting the error message about the outlook having issues with syncing to a mobile divice. I am trying to get into my inbox on computer. I have more than one email. One of them I can acces and get into my inbox completly fine. But my private/family email I can not. I can sign in just fine but when I try to go to my inbox to check my email (It is important that I check it as I am waiting for replies from people) I get the error message. I don't even have the option to go to my inbox. HELP?