Hello Everyone,
I came up with a question of how to completely delete / cancel the email account. The problem is that I have registered 2 email accounts in the system and both of them appears in my log-in panel on the left upper side of the webpage. If necessary I could send
a screenshot.
However, I would like to completely delete the account as I don't want to use it anymore. The account was somehow blocked before and had to be reactivating. I didn't want to reactivate it, but just clicking on the link - I signed automatically and account became
re-activated again. This is the message I always receive:
Ihr Konto wurde aktiviert.
Sie haben sich anscheinend in den letzten 9 Monaten nicht bei Ihrem Konto angemeldet. Wir dachten, Sie hätten das Konto aufgegeben. Daher wurden die E-Mails gelöscht. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde jedoch für den Fall, dass Sie sich erneut anmelden, beibehalten.
Melden Sie sich mindestens alle 9 Monate bei Ihrem Konto an, damit es aktiv bleibt und keine Nachrichten verloren gehen.
Zum Posteingang
It basically says that due to the reason I logged again into the account it was activated again. I had tried to delete it using this link: http://windows.microsoft.com/is-IS/windows-live/account-close-account. It didn't work. When I click again to the email
in my upper left side drop-down menu - the email gets reactivated again.
HOW CAN I COMPLETELY REMOVE THE ACCOUNT. If necessary I can send the both email accounts.
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