In exporting Windows Live 2012 email messages > All Folders to an empty folder on my hard drive, the application keeps garbling the exports.

  • It uses faulty names for folders (for example "Family & Fr fd3" instead of "Family & Friends, "Professional" instead of the newer name "Librarianship").
  • It puts some folders inside of others.

I cannot tell whether it is, in fact, exporting all the messages, because they are so mixed up.


I'm running Windows 7.  I know Microsoft plans to or already has suspended support for Windows Live.


Are there fixes, or is there another email client I could use instead?  I tried switching to Mozilla Thunderbird, but that requires me first to export...which is, of course, my basic problem.


Thanks for your suggestions,


hotmail had lists for family/friends & co-workers that I could forward emails to they disappeared when my computor change my email to outlook