Every time I try to do a full screen preview, a box pops up saying Movie Maker has stopped working. It attempts to find a solution but then just tells me a problem has happened to cause the program to stop working correctly and Windows will notify me if
there is a solution. All I can do is click on Close, and the program closes out. I am running Windows 8.1, but this started happening in Windows 8. I have gone to Intel's site and updated my drivers, and also reinstalled Movie Maker, neither of which worked.
Hi I just upgraded to windows 8.1 and got a 2.5k Monitor. I really like the photo App to seeing my pictures, but the only problem is that the smaller images are in the center of the screen and rather tiny. How can I make it that they fill up the full screen
like windows 7 photo viewer could, also I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO SHUFFLE IN SLIDESHOW mode in the app.
i am making a fan video for youtube and when i am looking at the small screen it looks fine, but when i change it to full screen or view it as full screen it starts glitching, twitching and freezing. i feel like i am having a seizure when i see it. how
can i fix that?
New MacbookPro install and loving the office 2011 products.

Problem i am running into is my autocomplete "display screen".
It displays above the "new email" screen and can't see what is being looked up in auto complete.
(see screen shots).
I have tried moving from desktop to desktop.
Tried full screen and min/max screen and it always sticks off screen.
Reboot and Kill app and still same result.
Any suggestions?
I am unable to see emails on a full screen. The new emails take 2/3 top screen and as I open one the lower 1/3 of the screen opens which is not large enough to read the entire email. I must scroll down to read the entire email. Why are the recently
received emails listed on the top portion of the screen while reading one of those emails?
I am unable to see emails on a full screen. The new emails take 2/3 top screen and as I open one the lower 1/3 of the screen opens which is not large enough to read the entire email. I must scroll down to read the entire email. Why are the recently received emails listed on the top portion of the screen while reading one of those emails?
Original Title: I cannot get full screen emails. What's with the the list of received emails on the upper screen.
I've pushed every button in sight under options, checked help, and all sorts of other things. Is there a toggle in the lower right half of the keyboard that made it go micro it since that's where the cat's paws were? Thanks!
The print starts to far to the left on full screen.
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