Goal / Objective – END STATE:
· Running Windows 8.1 Operating System with Outlook 2013 on PC
· EMAIL Account is via GMAIL – IMAP settings
· Would like to sync with an iPhone 5 and an iPad Air
· Notes synced between all 3
What I have today:
· Running Windows 8.1 Operating System with Outlook 2013 on PC
· EMAIL Account is via GMAIL – IMAP settings
· iCloud is available and portions appear to be working
· Unfortunately, I have tried probably dozens of fixes / changes to resolve issues, only to have other crop up
My current situation is this:
· GMAIL sync with Outlook 2013 and iPhone is working fine (finally)
· I have ended up with multiple Outlook Calendars both on my PC and iPhone / iPad
· None of them appear to be syncing at all – anything I put in on iPhone is not discoverable by me on PC with Outlook 2013
o Previously – I did have a single Calendar that was syncing just fine – lost the bubble trying to fix EMAIL and Notes
EMAIL Accounts (under Outlook 2013 File / Account Settings)
· ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’ TYPE: IMAP/SMTP (send from this account by
This account is designated with the large black Check mark as the default
· ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’ TYPE: IMAP/SMTP
Selected account delivers new messages to the following location:
In data file: C:\Users\’name’\...\Microsoft\Outlook\’username.gmail.com.ost
Under the Data Files Tab – I have a .pst file (Retirement 2013.pst) that contains my Outlook Folders for retention of EMAILs and data. This .pst file is designated as the Default File as well.
My IMAP Settings for the ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’ account are as follows:
Your Name: ‘my name’
EMAIL Address: ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’
Server Information
Account Type: IMAP
Incoming Server: imap.gmail.com
Outgoing Server: smtp.gmail.com
Logon Information:
User Name: ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’
Password: *********
ü - Remember Password
Mail to Keep Offline: ALL
Require Logon using Secure Password Authentication is NOT checked
General Tab:
Mail Account: ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’
Outgoing Server Tab:
ü My Outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication (this is checked)
ü Use same settings as my incoming mail server (this is checked)
Advanced Tab:
Server Port Numbers:
Incoming Server (IMAP) 993
Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
Outgoing Server (SMTP) 587
Use the following type of encrypted connection: TLS
Server Timeouts – Long 1 minute
Folders – Root Folder Path – ‘blank’ (this line is empty)
Sent Items
ü Do not save copies of sent items (this block is checked)
Deleted Items
ü Mark Items for deletion but do not move them automatically (is checked)
Purged items… this item is NOT CHECKED
GMAIL Account Settings: Forwarding and POP/IMAP
IMAP Access: Status: IMAP is enabled
· Enable IMAP
When I mark a message in IMAP as deleted:
ü Auto-Expunge Off – Wait for client to update the server
When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder:
ü Move the message to the Trash
Folder Size Limits
ü Do not limit the number of messages in an IMAP folder (default)
My Calendars (from Outlook 2013):
Calendar (This computer only) - '*** Email address is removed for privacy ***'
Calendar from iCloud
Calendar (This computer only) - 'name of my .pst file' {that is set as the default account}
Calendar (3)
Calendar (2)
When things were working fine previously, the single calendar that appeared to be synced with iPhone and iPad was the Calendar (This computer only) – ‘*** Email address is removed for privacy ***’
Currently – most of the events but not all seem to be in the Calendar (This computer only) – 000 Retirement 2013. This is the .pst file I have all of my folders in. With so many of the changes I have tried – I may have somewhere switched from gmail.com
to my .pst file.
Some Calendars allow me to use Categories but not reminders, others are vice versa and others allow both but that is not where 99.9% of the data is located.
The real question becomes – how can I consolidate / merge and/or whatever the 6 or 7 Calendars I have out there into a single calendar that can be synced with my iPhone and iPad?
Any and all guidance and recommendations will be greatly appreciated. If the best approach is to delete everything and start over, please advise on how to save data before I try this.
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