12. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I often get the message below from my gmail acct. the emails I receive in gmail are not forwarding with any consistency. Plaese advise!

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

    *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain hotmail.com bymx1.hotmail.com. [].

The error that the other server returned was:
550 5.7.0 (COL0-MC1-F3) Message could not be delivered. Please ensure the message is RFC 5322 compliant.
        i had setup my domain tycotyler.com with outlook.com and i can sent my mail to gmail and yahoo but i cant receive mails from outside. and also proper update my DNS with mx and txt record it shows me prove your domain ownership again.


I recently purchased a Nokia Lumia 925.
A while back I linked my Gmail contacts to Outlook.
They appear under People in Outlook.com, but only those contacts that have a google AND outlook icon under their picture appear on my phone.
If the contact is only linked to google it does not appear.
Is there a way to fix this?
Alternatively, is there a way to get all contacts that are only linked to Gmail actually IMPORTED into Outlook.com and not just linked?

Thank you for your help,

I just set up Outlook Express... so i  could pull my emails in one location...

Well... when I did it.... it pull my gmail and account and it pulled all of them.... so I deleted most of them... thinking I was only deleting them from the Outlook Express location.  When I went back to Gmail... They were GONE !!!!

Is there a place in Outlook Express to retrieve those.... I can not find it...

Hoping for some help...

Thank you

My outlook.com is not downloading any messages from any of  the email accounts I have set up.  It's going on over 24 hours now.  No way to refresh, sync or pull messages from my email accounts (gmail, Comcast, etc.).  Nothing has changed.  Emails were coming through just fine on Tuesday.  Yesterday - NOTHING came through.  I went straight to my Comcast account and my other email accounts and I have a ton of emails in those inboxes that should have come through to my outlook.com account. For all 5 email addresses I have set up.  None of them are being pulled.


No live support.


No help.


Skydrive has been "synching" for 48 hours and not saving the files I'm working on.


If this is what change does, I'm going back to all my desktop application and backup harrdrive options - VERY frustrating.  I don't know what else to do!




My hotmail account had been forwarded to gmail before it became outlook.  I unforwarded the account and it wrecked havoc on my folders.  Attempted to reforward to gmail but no longer get that prompt.

I currently use gmail via a web browser and my phone to access my mail. I want to start using outlook.com via a web browser to access my mail. I have @gmail username to sign in to all Microsoft sites. I dont recall getting an outlook.com one. 

I have followed various steps in order to set it up. I would like all my folders to sync too. When setting it up via outlook.com in a browser I dont get the IMAP option. nor can I set up mail forwarding from gmail to an outlook.com address as i dont have one.

any ideas on how to do this please?
So for some reason this morning my Outlook 2011 mail client cannot find the gmail servers it replicated with last night.   I checked all the settings, but none of them have been changed, and appear to be the same as the definitions in the gmail setup directions...

Nothing changed on my end.    Anyone have any suggestions?
So for some reason this morning my Outlook 2011 mail client cannot find the gmail servers it replicated with last night.   I checked all the settings, but none of them have been changed, and appear to be the same as the definitions in the gmail setup directions...

Nothing changed on my end.    Anyone have any suggestions?