I use Windows 8 and Windows Live Mail. I have never had any problems until now - when I just sent the Group mail. I have mailed this Group several times before, but then with Outlook Express. There have always been problems sending to this group, I always got error messages at certain addresses. When I have removed them, the mail has went away. So this first time with Windows Live I was a little anxious about how it would go....
... I got this error message:
An unknown error has occurred
Subjekt: The heading in the mail
Server "smtp.gmail.com"
Windows Live MaIl error_ID: 0x800CCC0B
Protokol: SMTP
Port. 587
Secure (SSL): Yes
The mail is not in any boxes like Outbox, Sent items etc, I can just not find it !
When I send new, other messages, always the first error message show up again. It blocks the ability to send other email !!
No problems receiving mail
I have checked all my settings, they seem to be ok.
Does anyone have any ideas..... ?
Best Regards
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