There has to be a better way as I notice there are a lot of complaints on Hot Mail e-mail. This has been going on for months...
30 to 200 junk e-mail everyday from the same companies or people keep coming, it appears there are a lot of other complaints on this problem.
{removed}@hotmail .com
hot mail de volta por favor!!!!
I got an e-mail from the Microsoft Team they saidthey would have to reset my password because an e-mail I received had a Virus they said if they did not hear from me in 24 hours they would block Hot MailThey wanted to know my user name and password I hit Reply and a prompt came up
which said do not give your information out so I didn't and now my e-mail is blocked and I do not know what to do
I can not figure out how to add folders to Hotmail, windows 8. Can anyone tell me how to increase the font size of incoming mail on Hot mail?
I can increase font size on everything in windows 8 but I do not need that. Thanks so much for your help. Big Al
I lost an applet in my browser that controles signing into my hotmail account-HOW DO I REPLACE THIS APPLET. I am also having trouble with my Yahoo account-can't sign into one of my two accounts there-Yahoo says the second account does not exist.
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