my hotmail account has been hacked/hijacked. i would like to recover it. i can bring up the hotmail poage and it reads in arabic. any help links that i have tried throughout the last week hasnt help since i get re directed to the same hacked hot mail account.
including any links that have been posted here. i need this fixed and dont seem to have a way to do so. the account has since stopped since i reported that the account was being used by someone else but that doenst help the fact that i cant use it now.any
help would be appreciated. resetting passwords and changing passwords doesnt help at all. please help
I have received this twice.....have not responded but also donʻt want to lose my account. Coming from *** Removed by moderator ***
Windows Live Team Alert Confirmation |
This message is from our data base center to all free Hot mail account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center. We are deleting all unused accounts to create more space for new accounts. To prevent your account from closing, you will have to update it below so we will know that it's a presently used account. To do this, You have to click on your reply button to reply back to this message and then you fill the information below.
* Password: ...........
* Date of Birth: .........
* Country Or Territory: .....
Enter the 8 characters you see
Warning!!! Account owner that fails to verify his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.
The Windows Live Hotmail Team
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