19. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags: home, icon, Live, tab, Windows, Windows Live Mail
In "Windows Live Mail" I want to "remove" items that I do not use (on the "Home" tab), and add items ("Print" icon) to the tab.
18. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail, Outlook.com · Tags: Classic Hotmail, format, format messages, icon, image, Outlook, printing, screen
Classic Hotmail had an icon at the top of the page to convert the message to printer format.
With Outlook, I have tried Cntrl/P, but all I get is a screen image. Page 2 & more are not printed.
I am using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 64bit.
Can I switch back from Outlook to Classic Hotmail?
18. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail, Outlook.com · Tags: Classic Hotmail, format, format messages, icon, image, Outlook, printing, screen
Classic Hotmail had an icon at the top of the page to convert the message to printer format.
With Outlook, I have tried Cntrl/P, but all I get is a screen image. Page 2 & more are not printed.
I am using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 64bit.
Can I switch back from Outlook to Classic Hotmail?
14. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail, Outlook.com · Tags: error, folder icon, icon, IMVU, IMVU Inc., mail, PUT, way
I am a developer for IMVU Inc. Normally I receive sales notifications from IMVU quite frequently daily. However, now it seems they are automatically being put into a folder (indicated by a double folder icon) as one mail. When I try to click it I get the
error that I am unable to connect to Hotmail services at this time. Did I accidentally click something that may have marked the sender so that it will perform this way? Or is there a limit to the number of mails a contact can send you thus forcing them into
a folder? At any rate, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
13. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail, Outlook.com · Tags: icon, internet explorer, mail, Service, Unavailable, yesterday
I have a laptop with Windows 8 and current Internet Explorer. I can view my hotmail from my mail icon in Windows 8, but am unable to log in to hotmail from my internet explorer browser. It has been a few hours. Originally there was a message stating
"the Service is Unavailable". I cleared my internet explorer cache and ran the Fix It tool for Internet Explorer. Now when I type in Hotmail.com it says "this page can not be displayed". I was able to log in via internet explorer yesterday to send files,
but can not today. I have not changed any settings on my computer since yesterday. Any ideas?
13. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Outlook for Mac · Tags: icon, issue, office programs, Outlook, presume, update, work
Click "O" but Outlook does not open - the icon appears for a mili-second as normal but nothing happens. Other Office programs W, P, and X all work fine. Running 2011, installed latest updates to 14.2.5 successfully without any issue, but still nothing.
I presume installing the update would be like doing a re-install from discs. Reluctant to do full reinstallation in case I lose all my mail. Any suggestions please. Urgent!! Thanks (by the way, I installed an Apple Time Machine and did a full backup yesterday
but used Outlook after this was done)
10. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Outlook for Mac · Tags: business, email provider, icon, macbook, mail, Office Business for Mac, screen, tools, use
Hi I have just purchased a new MacBook with Office Business for Mac. $200, a bunch of money but as i use it for business it might be worth it. . I am trying to transfer my Outlook E mail from my old Vista machine to the Mac. The apple store loaded the
Office. On the outlook opening screen I go to To the opening screen. Then tools. No icon saying "Accounts". As far as my email provider knows this is the only way to intiate setting up an e mail account. Any Ideas anyone???
07. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags: icon, live mail, previous version, ribbon, task, version, way, Windows, Windows Live Mail
I'm using Windows 7-64 bit and just updated to Windows Live Mail 2011. In the previous version of Live Mail (the one prior to the ribbon), all open emails and the main window were on my task bar (I have them joined, but they were all visible when I moused
over them). This is no longer the case. If I try to reply to a note, I see that note on my task bar; but I can't access the main window. The only way I can get to it is to minimize the note I'm writing. Is this no longer possible?
05. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Messenger · Tags: click, email, icon, messenger, sign
where do i sign onto if not using messenger ? I usually click on the icon for messenger live to send an email. I no longer can do that.
05. December 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Messenger · Tags: click, email, icon, messenger, sign
where do i sign onto if not using messenger ? I usually click on the icon for messenger live to send an email. I no longer can do that.
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