I installed the full Skype program that replaces Windows Live Messenger but I cannot see an 'email envelope' icon within Skype (like there was in Messenger) that shows new messages and the ability to click on the envelope icon to open Hotmail automatically.

How can I view new messenges when signed in to Skype?



I cannot colour the text in hotmail the text wont stay highlighted and the colour chart disappears when i click on the colour icon,  the other icons i.e. font etc i dont have this problem just the colour, i have windows7  -  It worked approx 2 weeks ago
I sometimes get a notification of incoming mail via Windows Live Mail, which I generally use for e-mail,, but when I click the icon on the system tray, there is no new mail.  I found the missing e-mail on another e-mail webmail system supported by my ISP, virginmedia.com.  Any suggestions how to rectify this anomoly?

I have Windows Live email on  my computer.....I want to move to a web based system so have started using my hotmail account....previously if I was on a webpage which had a an email icon on it and I wanted to email I just clicked and Windows Live opened up and off I went.



How do I do that with Hotmail??




Thanks,  Keith

messinger goes off and i hve to reboot, now there is a red circle at the messenger icon with three red bars running fron the top left to the botton right of the circle, when i click on it  the windows live page comes up.
the hp assistant ,question mark icon has a red exclamation mark on it.when i hit that and get into it and try deal with the problem its just goes back to the start again not responding.how do i fix this and get rid of red exclamation mark./problem   
I am working with Outlook.  The icon for outlook in the Mac tool bar shows one message waiting to be opened.  In the list of emails, all emails are open.  I gone through all the pulldowns in Outlook and selected all and marked them all read but I still have one to open.  Is there a hidden email?  How do I get access to it so I can clear it?  Thanks.

I have been using Live email for about 2 months now and only use Messenger so I am alerted to new email. This morning I logged into Windows Messenger from the taskbar, it logged me in, alerted me to my emails but when I clicked on it it vanished from the screen and from the taskbar. I went into Start menu and clicked on Messenger, logged on, it alerted me to my emails, then vanished etc etc. So I went into my email page via www.live.co.uk and it tells me I am logged onto Meseenger and listed some friends that were also logged on, but I cant get the Messenger screen/list up? I havent changed any settings - and have stried to click onto the menu to look at my settings but Messenger justs vanished!

Any help would be good - I'm not great with computers though :-(



I have been using Live email for about 2 months now and only use Messenger so I am alerted to new email. This morning I logged into Windows Messenger from the taskbar, it logged me in, alerted me to my emails but when I clicked on it it vanished from the screen and from the taskbar. I went into Start menu and clicked on Messenger, logged on, it alerted me to my emails, then vanished etc etc. So I went into my email page via www.live.co.uk and it tells me I am logged onto Meseenger and listed some friends that were also logged on, but I cant get the Messenger screen/list up? I havent changed any settings - and have stried to click onto the menu to look at my settings but Messenger justs vanished!

Any help would be good - I'm not great with computers though :-(



Where has the printer icon for Hotmail under windows 8 gone. I can't print anything under windows8.