The IMAP folders of my hotmail account have disappeared from my outlook for mac 2011 email folder list, i've deleted the hotmail account and created it again but the folders still doenst appear, does anybody know why this is happening ?
Is there an option to limit the size of IMAP folders? Unfortunately, Mac has no option for this and I don't want to download every email in my account.
Gmail has an option "Limit IMAP folders to contain no more than this many messages: 1000".
Thunderbird client has an option "Synchronize the most recent: XX Days/Weeks/Months/Years".
First, thank you Microsoft for a great and now with iMap which is great. I like using Mac Mail and I have my emails sending and receiving correctly. But I am having problems with the folders.
problem 1:
If I "save my sent items" on the server, I get duplicate sent items since I believe the SMTP server saves its own copy and then iMap from the client Mac Mail saves its own. If I disable "save sent items on the server", I now will have 2 folders in the
client. One that is really what is sent and one that is synced with the server. FInally, I set it to "Not Save" and do a clean-up every 24 hours on the local sent items.
Problem 2:
If I delete an item from the inbox and move it to the trash, it only deletes it from the inbox when I actually remove it form trash or when I exit Mail but I like to keep mail running in the background. Sometimes I access the mailbox from the web at work
where iMap is blocked. From my iPhone through EAS and at home through Mac Mail. So direct delete from inbox is great. I currently have it set to clean up my trash every 24 hours to help with synchronization.
Enclosed is my setting. 
I have recently had a client export some email from his Outlook into an OLM file.
He seems to have checked the option to remove it from his outlook by mistake , so no problems we go to an earlier time machine backup.
The first time we restore the email and it looks good until it syncs to the server (The 2 accounts are imap) so it says ok I haven't been synced for 5 days l am going to delete this email as it wants to sync with what is left on the server.
Stage 2 was to then go ok , restore from time machine backup and take outlook to offline mode , while in offline mode , create folders on my computer and save the email history for both accounts , the theory being that now the email is not in the imap folders it will stay once the mail sync happens. Unfortunately this does not seem to happen , even though the folders report they have 11000 items , there only seems to be a couple of hundred.
Has anyone come across this issue ?
He seems to have checked the option to remove it from his outlook by mistake , so no problems we go to an earlier time machine backup.
The first time we restore the email and it looks good until it syncs to the server (The 2 accounts are imap) so it says ok I haven't been synced for 5 days l am going to delete this email as it wants to sync with what is left on the server.
Stage 2 was to then go ok , restore from time machine backup and take outlook to offline mode , while in offline mode , create folders on my computer and save the email history for both accounts , the theory being that now the email is not in the imap folders it will stay once the mail sync happens. Unfortunately this does not seem to happen , even though the folders report they have 11000 items , there only seems to be a couple of hundred.
Has anyone come across this issue ?
We have an option to set up an IMAP inbox for receiving voice messages with our email client, but with Outlook 2011, there's a constant barrage of errors because the following folders do not exist.
//Junk E-Mail/
//Deleted Items/
//Sent Items/
There is only an Inbox folder on the server as it should be. How can I get Outlook 2011 to stop showing constant errors when it tries to check the status of the folders above? In the IMAP folders under tools, there is no option to unsubscribe these "default"
folders. Other email clients (Outlook 2010, 2013) do not exhibit this problem. Is there a way to configure Outlook 2011 so that it only checks the Inbox?
I decided to switch to from Gmail because I use outlook 2013 and the exchange connection is far superior to IMAP. Exchange also supports syncing of tasks, calendar, and just works better. The problem is I have many saved emails in folders
in Gmail and it appears the only way to import them is all together in one large mass, no folders, no saving to those folders, just over 5,000 emails in one folder. I thought I could just copy messages from the IMAP folders to the exchange folders in outlook
2013, which would then sync with the server. I keep getting an error message saying "Exchange ActiveSync doesn't support what you're trying to do" If I cannot get my mail in the existing folders in then it's pointless to make the
switch. I don't have the time to go through 5,000+ messages to sort them. Any suggestions?
I have a problem with Outlook for Mac (2011 v14.2.4) using IMAP folders. My provider's mail server software (Qmail) creates a file in the root of the folder structure called .qmail - it keeps properties in it I understand - and Outlook seems to not only
see this file but decide that it's a folder and subscribe to it automatically. Once this happens it turns into a folder (which then appears on other devices) and I can delete it (but not unsubscribe to it). I have to delete it to stop Outlook posting a 1025
error every 10 minutes or so because it's not accessible.
The .qmail file doesn't show up if the server is queried using the IMAP protocol (LIST "" "*") so I am disappointed that Outlook sees this file AND turns it into a folder by subscribing to it AND won't let me unsubscribe to it after that AND resubscribes me if I unsubscribe using the Webmail tools for this account. It could hardly be handling this more incorrectly if it tried...
Is there any way to check that Outlook is using the IMAP protocol correctly to build it's folder list? It seems from this and other issues on the site as though it really isn't.
For now I have set Tools / Accounts / <this account> / Advanced / Server and unchecked "Sync all IMAP folders every 10 minutes" and have deleted the folder from Outlook. Hopefully it will now stay gone and not give me the error any more but there seems to be a problem now with the unread message count. Presumably this is because the folder isn't being refreshed? In which case D'oh! I have been resetting the unread counts manually: because I read all the mail I can do this fairly easily but if I was using the unread message count seriously it would be completely broken for me now.
Any ideas about how I can get the IMAP folders enumerated correctly so that the .qmail file is not read as a folder? I think this would be okay if Outlook used the IMAP LIST command to read the server but I guess it has some extensions to work with Exchange that are actually not quite compatible...
Thanks for reading!
The .qmail file doesn't show up if the server is queried using the IMAP protocol (LIST "" "*") so I am disappointed that Outlook sees this file AND turns it into a folder by subscribing to it AND won't let me unsubscribe to it after that AND resubscribes me if I unsubscribe using the Webmail tools for this account. It could hardly be handling this more incorrectly if it tried...
Is there any way to check that Outlook is using the IMAP protocol correctly to build it's folder list? It seems from this and other issues on the site as though it really isn't.
For now I have set Tools / Accounts / <this account> / Advanced / Server and unchecked "Sync all IMAP folders every 10 minutes" and have deleted the folder from Outlook. Hopefully it will now stay gone and not give me the error any more but there seems to be a problem now with the unread message count. Presumably this is because the folder isn't being refreshed? In which case D'oh! I have been resetting the unread counts manually: because I read all the mail I can do this fairly easily but if I was using the unread message count seriously it would be completely broken for me now.
Any ideas about how I can get the IMAP folders enumerated correctly so that the .qmail file is not read as a folder? I think this would be okay if Outlook used the IMAP LIST command to read the server but I guess it has some extensions to work with Exchange that are actually not quite compatible...
Thanks for reading!
What e-mail folders in my newly created IMAP-mail account in Outlook 2011 for Mac, actually "belong" to my web server ( and what folders are from Outlook?
Under my domain name in My Outlook which is my INBOX I have now two folders for sent (one in English called "Sent" and one in Swedish: "Skickat"). The same goes for "Draft" ("Utkast") and "Trash" ("Borttaget").
Which folders should I use when I'm in "Settings" direct the e-mails to certain folders? Does it matter?
I also want to keep a copy of all my e-mails (incoming and sent e-mails) on my computer (in case my web server would crash!), but I don't want to download the e-mail permanently from my web host to my computer since I want to be able to see the
e-mails on several devices (iMac, Air and iPhone).
What settings do I do to download a copy of all e-mails?
Can I download even a copy of my old e-mails to my computer? These old e-mails have been imported to my web server from a PC and are now viewable on My Mac through my IMAP account, but I can only see them when I'm online.
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