Apple Mail still does not work with gmail (IMAP or ActiveSync)

If you want to use apple mail then only office360 (exchange) is possible.

And that's too expensive for a home user. When this problem is solved once? Will there be an office preview for the MAC

I'm an IT technician and I'm working with a client who has exchange set up on her Outlook 2011.  Some how, some of her e-mails are getting moved to the Inbox under "On My Computer" folder.  I don't see a pop or IMAP account anywhere in her settings nor do i see any rules set up to move items to On my computer.  I've never seen this before.  I tried looking through every setting to see if there is a way to change where e-mails are delivered and I tried seraching online for solutions but no luck.  A few more things to add.  She's running OS X Lion and using Outlook 2011.  Also, her sent items are found in the inbox under On My computer as well.  Please advise.
about 500 of my sent emails from my desktop Outlook for Mac 2011 do not upload to the IMAP server.  therefore I am not able to see these sent messages from my desktop on my phone or the webmail.  Any thoughts? 
Hi I am using Lion and Outlook 14.2.3

I have an IMAP email account, and when I send/receive i get an error message: Unknown namespace.  (.Junk E-mail.)  Withinb my Tools>Accounts>settings for this account, my folder for Junk is set to Trash(Server) as is my Trash setting.

Can anyone tell me what i need to do to get rid of this error.

Many thanks

Hi all -

I am in the process of moving from an in-house IMAP server to a hosted Exchange server for my small business e-mail.

We have a lot of email messages, especially in shared folders that are shared among our five users.

Previously I was using Apple Mail, so in order to transfer the mail to the Exchange server, I added the exchange account and manually transferred mail to my Exchange inbox.

As Apple Mail doesn't support Public Folders in exchange, I then set up my new Exchange account in Mac Outlook and moved the emails from my inbox to my Public Folder (that all 5 of us will be sharing).

The problem is, the Public Folder is giving me the above error code and has only synchronized a portion of the emails in that folder.  So when I go to Outlook Web Mail, it is only showing maybe 50% of the emails even though my Outlook client has them all.

My hosting provider is unable to advise why and they said there is no limitation on mailbox size on their end.  

They have suggested that I try to migrate my emails using an IBM but I don't have any IBMs, and I"m afraid this issue may come again when I try to move emails to the Public Folder in the future.

It's about 4 GB of mail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

I have just bought Microsoft Office with Outlook for Mac as I didn't like Entourage and its inability to link with hotmail like Outlook does on a PC. However I have now found that Outlook on a Mac doesn't link with Hotmail either!

I have tried to use a Gmail account, to transfer my hotmail account to then use Outlook to sync to, as Gmail is IMAP and Hotmail is only POP. As I understand it this is the issue?

What I am now having problems with is:

- Under On My Computer / Inbox / Gmail it has downloaded all of my emails, through all of my folders. 900 and counting! Then lower down where it says Gmail and then has all of my folders, there is nothing in this Inbox. How can I get it to just show the emails in my inbox and not the ones I have already filed?

- On hotmail I have got my folders organised with subfolders also, this has not carried through to Gmail nor subsequently Outlook. Is there a solution to this? I.E I have a main folder for 'Personal' then under that there would be one for 'Finance', 'Sport' etc.

Really disappointed with Outlook for Mac as it just doesn't do as it does on a PC and everything else on Apple products seem to work so seamlessly, but email doesn't seem to be.

Thanks for your help in advance.

