Hi all, 
I'm looking for any assistance with this problem i'm having. Recently i purchased a Mac and am using Outlook and it has been working perfectly until yesterday when i received the following error message: 

nskntcmgw08p BigPond Outbound [OB105. Connection refused. is listed on the Exploits Block List (XBL). Please visit http://www.spamhaus.org/xbl/ for more information.

As I have always used Windows and have always had an Internet Security software program on my computer I am at a loss as to what this issue is and I don't know anything about this 'spamhaus' website.

Can anyone please assist?  Any feedback would be very much appreciated :)

I have a lot of information on an Excel list that I would like to upload as individual tasks to my Outlook. 
How can I upload this file to Outlook?

On the Microsoft Support page describing known issues with Office for Mac on Apple OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, there is a link in the Summary for "more information about known issues...":


When clicked, the link redirects this URL:


which then redirects to a generic error page:


stating: The web server is unable to respond to your request at this time.

I just loaded OS X Mountain Lion, and am seeing some very odd behavior with Outlook, but want to find out more on the known issues details before jumping to any conclusions.


Im having trouble signing into my origianl Hotmail account due to the fact someone has appearently hacked it or something. When i sign in it tells me Sorry someone else is using this account and redirects me to a page to recieve a code but i dont have a Bellsouth account so i clicked Dont have any of these options it redirects me to another page requesting Name of Email trying to get into then asks for Aa different email to send information to so i type those in. Now when i recieve an answer after submiting all the Info i have EVER used for that account they reply with a SORRY THIS ISNT YOUR ACCOUNT. My Secret answer thing as a mutliple answer thing to to me have multiple people i admire historicly so theres one prob but the rest of my Information i submit is as accurate as can be could use some assistance with the prob if at all possible.

<Original title - *** Email address is removed for privacy *** >

Rec'd email from Windows Live telling me that I need to update my information.  Name, email address, password and country.  If not my account could be closed.  The email was from *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.  When I googled this there were no responses.  SCAM?

I recently received notice that my MSN account had been sending out spam mail and that account and all associated accounts were blocked.  This made it impossible to retrieve change my password as both accounts were blocked.  I desperately need to find a way to get back into this account as my life, all my bills and tax information is associated with this inaccessible account.  All efforts to talk to a live person have failed.  Please help!


Janel Taueg

/** moved from the Microsoft Office Project forum **/
Dear sir
I have another account named *** Email address is removed for privacy ***,  you blocked with no reason, there are important information I need on that account , please open , and tell me how, answer on this account , thanks
How do you get WLM message rules to be based on highlighted message such that the sender is populated for the user in the rules diaglog ("certain people"). I have been looking for the information for hours now.
I changed the passwords for my two POP webmail accounts and then tried to change them in Outlook.  I know I have to add the passwords to the main account screens and then, because my POP accounts require passwords, to the "More Options" sections.  Usually there is no problem when I do this, but for some reason the last time I tried to do it, I kept getting "authentication failed" messages (sorry, I forgot to copy down the error code).  I am wondering if it is because I pressed "Save" after filling in the initial account screen (before I filled in "More Options") rather than just pressing "OK" on the "More Options" screen after I finished entering all the new information.  Should I just press "OK" after filling in everything?  Should I choose "Save" as well after completing everything?

I was finally able to get the passwords to work, but just want to clarify what I was doing wrong initially.