Hotmail is sending emails from me to my whole contact list without anything showing in my sent items.
The emails have no subject and contain a website (like diet information)
What is my next step - I don't want to lose Hotmail - I have had this address for 14 years.
I can not get the code, and I can not sign in.
I am sending this from a new account I just created in order to even access this forum. (can't sign into forum due to account being blocked)
My affected email address is Removed information for security purposes
My hotmail account has been hacked and then locked. The only way to unlocked it seems to be via this page that sends a code to my alternate email address. This alternate email address doesn’t exist anymore, I can’t get the code. I really need access to my hotmail account, so much information is store in there! Please help!!
My hotmail account <removed by moderator>, has been blocked, and the verification code is sent to an unknown email address.
I need to get access to the information in the email as I am using this email account to work.
I registered a new account and get into the forum to seek help.
Kindly guide me on how to go about this.
Thanks Thanks
<removed by moderator>
After logging into my hotmail account, a questionaire appeared entitled "We need to add some security information to your account", and asked for alternate email, telephone number, secret question answer. Is this legitimate hotmail? I left it blank, hit "save" and it let me in.
Where can I find the settings for opening Hotmail in my client account 'Windows Mail'
I have looked everywhere on the site and it just doesn't give the information as far as I can see.
Other supplier like Gmail and Sky give this information under settings with all the information including port numbers.
Thank you in advance for your advice.
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