Just got a new computer, Windows 7.   No longer have Outlook Express for e-mail, so in setting up Windows Live Mail, I also got Windows Messenger.  So now it loads at Start-Up.  I have been unable to find any method to keep it from doing so.  It's just that every time I start the computer, I have to click it off because I will not use Instant Messenger.  Thanks for any help.  
How do I change the font colour in Instant Messenger. I go into Tools- Options- messages and shold then be able to click on Font but it isn't there
I have a group of 38 members that communicate with each other 2-3 times a week at a particular time, across the US.  I open an Instant Message  to the group, and when it hits the 21st member, it tells me that I've reached the 20 person maximum.  What am I doing wrong?
I've checked many sites and I go to options, but I can't find this "message tab"  they're talking about.
I just would like to get back the old Instant Messages I had merely two days ago.
Thank you~
Do I already have Messenger with my hotmail account, ready to use, or do I have to download Messenger separately in order to use it? I am confused! Ive gone to every help site I can find on the subject, but none has answered my question. Can someone help me with this?
Since downloading the latest version of messenger the sound/pop up screen facility no longer works to tell me when someone has signed in. I have removed it/reset it back up both by the options facility and by right clicking on the contact but despite showing it as being set up I no longer get the sound or the pop up screen. The sound itself is working on the pc as when I press the option to play the sound everything is ok but it just doesn't work when someone signs in. Can anyone offer any suggestion as this is infuriating when working on another screen & I am waiting for someone to sign in?
I have been using  W7 for 8months or so without problem. My log in has for many years been @hotmail.co.uk.Last 2 weeks I have not been able to access  Instant Messaging  site as I am constantly told that I need to connect to internet when I am already connected through Google Chrome.I note also that my IM and windows  access log on has changed to hotmail.com. I have overcome the problem on access to windows live log in but not IM service    Help please .