12. April 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,


I was installing windows defender on my old laptop and i received the following message----the folder path DELL_BACKUP D contains an invalid character-----

how do i go over it

There are 3 entries in my blocked senders list with invalid character, causing a problem with outlook 2010 (sync errors)


when I view the list from Outlook.com I can see the 3 entries and click to remove them. But as soon as I go back into to

list they are back???


here are the three entries:






They do not appear in outlook 2010's blocked senders list. And the synchronization errors I'm getting from outlook point to

these enties as having invalid characters (" and <)


I have been searching and emailing every support link to try and get help with this. The support links have been one big

run around leading to nowhere!


Has anyone had this issue and is there any way to get these entries or even all the entries in my "blocked senders list" removed?