I accidently emptied my junk mail along with a message from a customer, how do I find it?


Original title: How do I find mail I accidently emptied in  my junk mail?

My Live Mail has stopped filtering Junk Mail, even though it is set on "High" under safety options, all emails go to the Inbox and none go to Junk Mail - Please advise...

How do I use mail, new to this having trouble emptying contents of junk mail folder instead of doing each message at a time, very time consuming, I'm older and don't have that much time, grin.    Can one fill up the screen with e mail instead of two other columns in the way ?


I have my junk mail setting to high and have blocked and marked hundreds of emails as junk but they still keep coming into my inbox. Nothing is going into junk mail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have windows 8. In my hotmail account I can not get rid of junk mail. How do I delete all junk mail?
I have windows 8. In my hotmail account I can not get rid of junk mail. How do I delete all junk mail?
We use "Empty" to clear "Junk" folder regularly.  Unfortuately check too quickly and missed an emial I wanted to read.  Could not stop process.  Is there any way to recovered the "empty" Junk mail for last few days?
I get 6-9 junk emails per day and most are disgusting titles.  I do not open any of these junk emails.
you changed me  from hotmail to out look  is to slow and full of junk mail. I am getting 19 junk mails at the time this is driving me crazy. PLEASE HELP ME BY  STOP THIS JUNK MAIL. I DO LIKE OUT LOOK BUT IT TAKE TO LONG TO START AND  19 JUNK MAIL 3TIMES A DAY IS THEN HOTMAIL. I am an old lady I click ON OUT LOOK TO SEE WHAT is all about the next i know you change me to out look with out asking me if i want to do so. THANK YOU HOPE YOU HELP MAKE OUT LOOK BETTER. BELLA CARE HOTMAIL
Dear Microsoft forums,

I do not know about this knowledge.

01.What is junk mail?
02.Why Come junk mail into E-mail client Software Or Internet Mail
03. How to prevent Junk mail?

Best@ Regards
From Bangladesh
(removed for privacy)