I'm stumped:

Keystroke D not working for discard changes


Keystroke for adding a contact (command =) not working


Is there keystroke from mail to contacts?


Way to tab directly from email to subject line?


Hotkey (drag thing) for file attachment no longer working


How do meetup.com groups insert into calendar? Way to not have that happen?


Don’t see anymore in print box radio button for “print selection only”


Mandatory to print headers now?


Sometimes I type and the font becomes huge.


I have a schedule (send all) that wont delete. Grey out the –


Some domains, email wont edit, cursor wont go in.


What best was to get an identities emails from 2004 to 2011?


Is there a script to nuke emails?


Schedule – used to be text bottom right that said, to send/receive in 8 minutes… gone.



What is conversations settings? Make a light pink highlight, don't get it.


Even some new emails still have the “on my computer” nuisance in which then the wrong email signature is attached upon replying.


How find a folder that’s been misplaced?


Social media symbols for email signature, No picture, no field for address, is this a  windows only feature?