I no longer have an auto fill to the sender but their info is in my Hotmail contacts.  I also do not get an auto fill on replys.
I have been trying for days to unblock my hotmail account to no avail. I desperately need this account.

I have tried to answer all the questions but get a return email saying Microsoft still cannot unblock.

Now I get emails saying I exceeded the number of requests to unblock the email.

I cannot link the account to another hotmail address. I cannot access it through my android phone

Please help me. My blocked address is:

(email address was removed for security purpose)

The link is sent to her in black letters so in order for her to get it she would have to write it down.




"Due to recent login failures, be informed that your e-mail has a very low security level and can easily be accessed by any third party." and wants me to click on a link to move to a secure server.  Is this junk/scam??  How do I tell?
I am unable to receive any pictures in my emails.  I get a big grey box.  How come?  How can I change this?  Also I do not get hyper-linked web sites that I can click on or when I send a link to a web site in my emails, they are not hyper-linked?  What is the problem?  I have windows live email.
I've been getting a lot of suspicious emails, including spoofing, phishing and scammers (from foreign countries.)  How can I stop these emails from going into my junk or email box?  Now, I've been getting emails that say they're from someone I know, but they are not!  They have a link for a web site but no message.
Having moved to a Mac and using Office for mac 14.2.4 I am still looking for "homepage" in the folder properties. I want to embed a link to a URLto see our intranet. Could do so in Outlook or Windows via properties/homepage of this folder...
Any ideas bout embedding a link like http://answers.microsoft.com or an internal link like
Thanks for your help,
I can't sign into my hotmail account.  I have changed my password twice.  First, with the security question then with a link to my husbands account.  it didn't work.  I have tried on a different computer.  I have restarted the computer.  Everyone else in my family can access their accounts but I can't.  I need to get in.  I have important info in it.  Please help!!!!

Somehow my hotmail goes to Outlook.  I can access through Outlook, but not through hotmail.com.  Why did this happen? Does anybody understand this? Will it always be this way?  Does someone know what happened or has this happened to anybody else?

I deleted more than 100 senders from my "blocked senders" list a couple of days ago after getting en error message saying the list was full. I need more space or else another way to keep porno senders from getting mail to my junk mailbox. I have small grandchildren who are computer savvy, and even though they don't know my password, they are clever enough to figure it out. I DO NOT WANT porno stuff in ANY of my mail. I need either more space or a block that will block certain words and/or phrases if they occur in either sender or subject lines.

Update: I got a link and a forum moderator's "hook," but it was the same answer I got in my email. . . to go to a "link" (provided but not accessible or "connectable" by my home network) and then read an answer from ZigZagaq3143x. I found the forum, but the only answer in it was the same as in the email. . . to go to the "link," etc., etc., etc. Got a loop going here, and my question has NOT been answered. I suspect there is no answer.