I hate the new format for Hotmail Contacts, called "people".    How do I get my older version back. I never asked for it to change.
How can I transfer a contact from my main list of contacts to one of my Sub-groups -another category ?
restore filltered contacts in hotmail
Hi all,

would need your help for two questions:
* How is it possible to display contacts in Outlook 2011 (MAC) as address cards or business cards as in Outlook 2007 (Windows)?
* If there is only list view possible, how could I display the name field so that it's shown as Lastname, Firstname?

Thanks for you help! 
Is there an easier way to add addresses to your 'blocked' list than selecting the address, copying it, going into options, then blocked lists, then pasting and submitting?

It's such a tedious and annoying method, with so many steps simply to add it to the block list.

Microsoft needs to have a 'Add to blocked List' option direct from your junk mail folder. Simple.

Now when I go to my contacts list, I can't find the option that allows me to add contacts to one of my groups. I could find it earlier, but suddenly it's gone.
I don't have my groups listed anymore. I want to be able to send an email to my entire group but I can't get to my group. How do I get to them? Help!
I followed the directions from kathleencollins.  When I tried to send an email using the new group list I just created with 4 names, only 1 of the 4 names appeared when I expanded the addresses, as if none of the other 3 recipients were dropped or never added.  So, only person of the group of 4 received the email.  What happened?
OK next issue on my list....

All of my users report getting the Your password has expired notification with the exclamation in the bottom right corner of Outlook. This is not in sync at all with Active Directory. Some users get it on a daily basis even right after changing their password.

Where does Outlook pull this information from?
nothing appears about the list to - edit - delete - or add