I was using Windows Live Mail and I accidentally clicked the 'work offline' button within Home Tab on Windows Live Mail. 
Then I clicked it again to try to Go online but kept offline. I have been to trouble shooting and have ticked the box receive and send emails when offline and it still will not work 

Please help
Running Win 7 64; Live Mail on top of gmail; How do I STOP a SEND. I attached some digital photos to an email. The photos are too large for gmail to accept so the Live Mail times out trying over and over to send this one email. Other emails I have sent after the very large one are queued behind the very large email so nothing is getting sent because the large email keeps timing out in front of the subsequent emails. How can I delete the very large email from the Live Mail send queue?

Native GMail still works through the browser interface.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Tim Hanes
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

I have a Gmail account running in Live Mail and have one particular contact that Live Mail removes any attachment from before posting to the Inbox.  The contact is in my address book and is listed in my Safe Senders.  I do not have trouble receiving attachments from any other contact and when I forward e-mail from this contact to Live Mail using my cell phone the attachments come through.


Any suggestions?

After reinstalling Windows 7 on my computer now I can't setup Windows Live Mail again.  Searching online just sends me to a new Outlook online service.  I'm OK with switching, but where is my Live Mail contacts and mail?  Can I get my Live Mail content back?


Also, if I have to switch to Outlook.com, how do I set it up?  I don't see a way to input my mail settings so I can continue to use my current Comcast e-mail address, like I did with Windows Live Mail?

Just installed Windows 7 and Live Mail converting from Windows XP and Outlook Express.  Imported Outlook Express address book was converted to first name alphabetization.  Want to return to last name alphabetization in Live Mail. 

I can open Live Mail, but I get the following (as of this morning):


Unable to send or receive messages for the xxxxx account.

Server Error: 5102
Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE00002


However: I can open the messages in Outlook, which is not my preference. I have been receiving messages to  update my instant messenger  to the  latest version, which I have (Skype 6.6); the "latest version" referred to is 6.3, which Skype properly reminds me is older than what I have. I'm running Windows 8.


To complicate matters even  more,  existing WLM messages are opening in Gmail.


I did a Windows Live Essentials repair, which didn't help. 


Other than removing WLM completely and reinstalling it, what can I do?




Original title: windows live mail

 I use Windows Home Premium Vista (service pack 1) on a Dell Inspiron bought about 18 months ago, and much prefer using Windows Live Mail to Hotmail.
However a few weeks ago, after starting up Live Mail the password at the second Live Mail screen where the user password is demanded, I get the following error warning:

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (*********) account. Windows 
Live Mail can't connect to the Hotmail server. To send or receive messages in your 
Hotmail account, go to http://hotmail.live.com on the web, or try again later.

Server Error: 5102
Server Response: Xfs request 'SyncBinary' failed. Response code: 'Undefined'
Server: 'http://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live mail Error ID: 0x8DE00002

Since talk of server errors makes my eyes glaze over, I decide to try to fix the
problem by deinstalling Live Mail and then downloading it later last week onto
my PC, but I still get the same problem.

Now I can only use Hotmaill which I find too basic after Live Mail.

 I use Windows Home Premium Vista (service pack 1) on a Dell Inspiron bought about 18 months ago, and much prefer using Windows Live Mail to Hotmail.
However a few weeks ago, after starting up Live Mail the password at the second Live Mail screen where the user password is demanded, I get the following error warning:

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (*********) account. Windows 
Live Mail can't connect to the Hotmail server. To send or receive messages in your 
Hotmail account, go to http://hotmail.live.com on the web, or try again later.

Server Error: 5102
Server Response: Xfs request 'SyncBinary' failed. Response code: 'Undefined'
Server: 'http://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live mail Error ID: 0x8DE00002

Since talk of server errors makes my eyes glaze over, I decide to try to fix the
problem by deinstalling Live Mail and then downloading it later last week onto
my PC, but I still get the same problem.

Now I can only use Hotmaill which I find too basic after Live Mail.

Original title: server error 5102 windows live mail error 0x8DE20003

Windows Live Mail not synchronising with Outlook.com since 1am on 4-Oct.  Before this it was working fine.  Nothing has changed on my system - so I assume it’s a Microsoft server problem.  Any comments?

The message I get is:

Unable to send or receive messages for the Outlook (tom.samodol) account.

Server Error: 5102

Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE00002


I can access the account via a browser. I am using Windows 7.