how do I get MSN messenger chat history ( not saved on the computer) from messenger server? hope I am able to get an answer from MS technical guys, as I badly need past years history.Thanks
Everytime I open Windows Live Mail it ask me if I want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer.  It is coming from Microsoft.  How do I get rid of this message?
Me está llegando un correo de parte del equipo de Windows Live (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) notificando cuenta desactivada, ¿debo hacer caso a este correo?
How do I sort my Inbox on "sender" as in previous versions eg Vista?
My incoming emails show a time that is 3 hours later than it should be.  Sent emails show correct time. Computer time is correct.  How do I change the time shown on incoming e-mails on my Windows Live Mail 2011.
I have to look in the email list to ascertain if a new email has arrived.
cannot find sent messages once sent out, and when ready to close session, get a command memo if I want to send messages currently in outbox- how do I correct? 

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'현제 Windows Live 서비스를 사용할 수 없으나 서비스 재개 즉시 *** Email address is removed for privacy ***님이 회원님의 대화 상대로 바로 추가되므로

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my Windows Live Mail acct has stopped filtering junk/spam.  Everything goes to my inbox.  Can you please help?
contacts list will not appear alphabetically, cannot find a tab that helps to correct this