It will not accept my password, I have tried to change password but can't

My Live messenger will not ope. I am getting a reponse that "the application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect".

How can I fix this?


Unable to send or receive messages for the (mmayr) account.

Server Error: 4102
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE00001


Please advise as to how to resolve,  I can see mails via, but not via windows live



What is this about?  Is it a Phishing scam?
How do I delete a message in Windows Live Mail which has not completely downloaded?

I am having no problem with receiving email or sending email.

The only problem I am having is when I want to forward an email with a picture that was sent to me,  the picture will not go.  The email will go O.K.

I am using Windows Live as my email.

I did a update and windows live messenger crashed saying the side by side configuration was incorrect. I uninstalled all of my c++ librariesd and windows live essentials and then reinstalled everything back. When I check there is still not any live essentials programs installed even though it said that everything was downloaded and installed. How do I get everything back.
I have uninstalled anything that I thought may be the issue but I still have no luck installing Windows Live and getting past 45%.  I also have tried to install separate components but still stops at 45%.
I cannot send any type of attachment with my emails.
The recipient gets several copies of the same email and none can be opened.

My Windows Live retrieves messages from  When sending emails
from the Comcast page the attachments go through....but I would like to correct my problem
and keep using my Windows live.
