how do I set to  show images automatically in Live Mail, at the moment I have to click on show images for each email
My Windows Live Mail reports 13,585 in All Email, in all of my folders I can find maybe 5,500.  There are only two in my Junk folder.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks!!
I can't access my e-mails through Windows Live the error says "Could not authenticate against Windows  Live ID server" I have 4 e-mail addresses being used through Windows live and 2 are receiving e-mails and my two are not WHY???? Also when I send an e-mail if it has a photo or more than 1 file attached it keeps sending some people have gotten 58 of the same e-mail can someone please help?? e-mails
I recently switched from another email address to this one, and I exported all my contacts on the old one to my pc. I then imported them to this new account. They seem to have been imported fine on the Windows Live website, but when I login to messenger I can't find any of the contacts.
I would like to know if their is a setting that ensures that everytime you start Live Mail, you go directly to your inbox? that was possible with Outlook express
As of 6/29 my Windows Live Hotmail is not picking up emails from my Gmail account. Everything's the same--have not changed any settings. It has worked great for over a year, until now.  What can I do?

Is it possible to email a contacts info, email address, etc  from Windows Live Mail contact list to another person?


I used Easy Transfer to switch from Windows XP Outlook Express to Windows 7 Live Mail.  The email messages transferred but there are no contacts listed.  I have signed into Live ID but still no contacts
How do I install notifier for incoming Windows Live Mail .
When I try to send mail I get a notice Service Error 554. This is new. . I am using Windows 7. How do I send mail?