In Outlook 2011 for Mac, there is an annoying but/lack of full-feature that was fixed in Outlook 2010 at release. Conversation view/email conversations are very annoying as they do not work as they should, it seems to ONLY group by Subject so if someone emails me with the subject "Hey" I see a conversation with 100+ emails going back years and years all from different emails/senders/TOTALLY unrelated. Outlook is supposed to be 'smarter than this' (their words not mine) as they stated when this was brought up years ago in Outlook 2010 Technical Preview, it was having the SAME problem even though they stated it shouldn't, until they finally got it fixed and patched, now in 2013 (and I think it was fixed in 2010 post-launch) it works flawlessly - of course, that's all the PC Versions. For Mac, it still seems to be SOL as the conversation logic needs dramatic help, this is crazy that it only seems to go by subject, you can see the post on 2010 from way back below:

Please fix this logic in 2011 for Mac or at least release 2013 for mac soon, stupid that such a simple yet MAJOR logic upgrade was completely skipped in 2011 for Mac. If anyone knows any solid work-arounds, would appreciate it.