18. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
How can I stop sending the original email back to the sender when I reply in Windows Mail 8.1? And is it possible to import other fonts into the Mail App?  I the new Mail App and would prefer Windows Live 2011, but am afraid to uninstall all of the Windows Essential parts before downloading it!

I have set up an IMAP Outlook account with a custom domain on Apple Mail.app. Everything works well so far, but when I send an email, two identical copies of the same email are stored in the Sent folder (but one copy is sent to the recipient). In Mail.app I have tried everything.

Since 2 month the same problem and nobody is helping. They always keep saying, write in another area or open a own thread.

So please held me solving this problem - finally.


I have set up an IMAP Outlook account with a custom domain on Apple Mail.app. Everything works well so far, but when I send an email, two identical copies of the same email are stored in the Sent folder (but one copy is sent to the recipient). In Mail.app I have tried turning off the option to save the sent items on the server, but it keeps turning on back itself.

Does anyone have idea how to solve this? I tried turning off “Saving sent messages” under Outlook.com Settings, but without luck.

I am trying to convert my hotmail.com email account to connect with IMAP instead of POP3. I use Mail.app on OSX 10.8.5 to receive my email.

However, I cannot log in to my account via the IMAP protocol. I've configured my account exactly to the settings specified in this post.  What happens is that Mail.app continually asks for my password as if it cannot authenticate with the server.

To further troubleshoot the issue, I used Mail.app's Connection Doctor feature to get more detailed information on what's going wrong. This is the output I get related to my hotmail.com account:

INITIATING CONNECTION Oct 12 12:41:02.041  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x0 -- thread:0x7f829e609ba0

CONNECTED Oct 12 12:41:02.343 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829e609ba0

READ Oct 12 12:41:03.143 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829e609ba0
* OK Outlook.com IMAP4rev1 server version ready (DUB451-IMAP133)

WROTE Oct 12 12:41:03.248 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829d46eb70

READ Oct 12 12:41:03.396 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829d46eb70

READ Oct 12 12:41:03.539 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829d46eb70
1.1692 OK CAPABILITY completed

WROTE Oct 12 12:41:03.598 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829b4e5520
2.1692 ID ("name" "Mac OS X Mail" "version" "6.6 (1510)" "os" "Mac OS X" "os-version" "10.8.5 (12F45)" "vendor" "Apple Inc.")

READ Oct 12 12:41:03.745 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829b4e5520
* ID ("name" "Outlook Imap" "version" "")

READ Oct 12 12:41:03.896 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829b4e5520
2.1692 OK ID completed

WROTE Oct 12 12:41:03.936 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829d46eb70
3.1692 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN  (*** 48 bytes hidden ***)

READ Oct 12 12:41:05.468 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1SSLv3]  -- host:imap-mail.outlook.com -- port:993 -- socket:0x7f829d636040 -- thread:0x7f829d46eb70
3.1692 NO Error 10. Server error. Please try again later.

I've seen other posts describing a similar error code, which leads me to believe this is an account or server issue on Microsoft's side. Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.