All my sends are stuck and I don't know where to find that 'too large' mail on WLM to delete it.
The WLM error message is below, I was sending an email with 3 attachments about 2MB each. It appears the Yahoo server is rejecting my email because it's too large, I just need to know where to go to kill it in Live Mail, it's not in the 'Sent' folder because it hasn't been sent yet. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.
Subject 'Obama's Christmas Card'
Server Error: 552
Server Response: 552 Message Size exceeded
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 465
Secure(SSL): Yes
Lorin Boyack *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Unable to send or receive messages for the Earthlink (vic1234) account.
Server Error: 4102
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE00001
Impossible d'envoyer ou de recevoir les messages pour le compte pop3. Impossible de trouver l'hôte pop3. Vérifiez que vous avez entré correctement le nom du serveur.
Serveur : 'pop3'
Numéro d'erreur Windows Live Mail : 0x800CCC0D
Protocole : POP3
Port : 110
Sécurisé (SSL) : Non
Erreur de socket : 11001
How should I send my mail in order to obtain a notification that the receiver has read it?
Thank you
I can read my mail, but when I try to replay it doesn't let me. It appears the yellow notice that say Microsoft can not access ect...
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