Unable to send mail on Windows Live but can recieve mail


Windows 7 Home Premium



An unknown error has occurred.

Subject 'Test'
Server Error: 550
Server Response: 550 5.3.4 Requested action not taken; To continue sending messages, please sign in to your account.
Server: 'smtp.live.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 587
Secure(SSL): Yes

I exported contacts.  Then I deleted them all.  Then I imported them.  The groups that I had defined came back, but they all had zero items in them. 


Ayant Orange comme opérateur j'ai tenté de transférer sur ma boite Hotmail certains mails. Ces derniers partent bien mais n'arrivent pas sur ma boite de réception Hotmail. Comment régler ce problème ?
I was deleting old emails from Outlook 2011 for Mac, OS 10.6.8, when the program crashed. 

Upon restarting, all my calendar events were gone, except for one event.  Meanwhile, all my contacts and email appear to be intact.

I have my Outlook data backed up with duplicate of my identity, but that backup was from three weeks ago. 

Is there a way to merge the newer emails and contacts that are still on my non-backup identity with the backed up identity, with the intent to not lose any of the data created between now and my last backup?

I also have Outlook 2011 syncing with iCal in order to sync with my iPhone. 

Thanks in advance,

I have I phone 4- last 90 day have not been able to send or read email - trying to read email I get first dialogue box stating "Cannot get mail-connection to the server failed"  after tapping that away  2nd box says "this message has not been downloaded from the server."  Have deleted and set up new account with hotmail 2-3 times.  still same problem.  Can anyone help me get email downloaded and read from my Apple 4?
I have I phone 4- last 90 day have not been able to send or read email - trying to read email I get first dialogue box stating "Cannot get mail-connection to the server failed"  after tapping that away  2nd box says "this message has not been downloaded from the server."  Have deleted and set up new account with hotmail 2-3 times.  still same problem.  Can anyone help me get email downloaded and read from my Apple 4?
I have I phone 4- last 90 day have not been able to send or read email - trying to read email I get first dialogue box stating "Cannot get mail-connection to the server failed"  after tapping that away  2nd box says "this message has not been downloaded from the server."  Have deleted and set up new account with hotmail 2-3 times.  still same problem.  Can anyone help me get email downloaded and read from my Apple 4?
Is there a difference between windows live mail and windows mail?  can windows mail be used with windows 7?
can not open my mail, delete trash, even do i can access my in box...
I am using Outlook 2011 for Mac and would like to add my Window Live email account to my mailbox in outlook. Once added, I can receive my email in outlook but am unable to send outgoing mail through outlook - the error that comes up is saying 'The server does not support secure connections'. I have configured the SMTP with "25" as it is suggested I do by Microsoft but I know this setting is optimized for Outlook Express. How do I get this working correctly allowing me to use outlook for all my email accounts?