28. November 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags: , , , ,

 I have an I pHone 5 and I pAd  . I would like to sink my MSN e mail contacts from my desk top to my devices. I guess I would have to sink them first into I tunes? How do I do that? How do I select and copy the contacts?


In outlook, my numbered new mail notification still shows 1 new email. I have emptied the entire inbox, saving the read messages to different folders. I have also tried to "mark all as read" and "delete all" options - no change. I am still getting the new mail notification ("Inbox" in bold type, with a circled #1).
The error message occurs when live mail closes. Does anyone know how to delete it!

The error message occurs when live mail closes. Does anyone know how to delete it!


The mail migration add-on tool finds my email address but stops with the message: Please close these email applications before continuing with the upload.  Windows Mail.

The mail application is not in use.

Cant get past this point.  

how can I delete the e mail adresses which appear in the drop down box when I enter my initial to sign in

I am not getting my e mail alerts since I merged MSN Messenger with Skype. Please tell me how to get Mail Notify for hotmail.
Hi, I've received the following message: 
 Error Code: 609 
E-mail Services Mail Administrator  

 Dear Customer,  This is an automatic message from our server as a final reminder; If you no longer wish to use your e-mail account, then you can safely ignore this email. If you do want to keep your account active, then simply update the error code below;   

Error 609   

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.  
Regards Mail Administrator. 

When I click on ERROR 609 it takes me to Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 cumulative update: November 2012 - an article. 

I can't understand what I need to do next. Please help! Thanks.
