Hi, Since upgrading to 10.9 Mavericks both Excel and Word (office for Mac 2011) are failing to show data in documents.  I believe this is a font problem and i had exactly the same experience when i upgraded Mac OS last time.  

I have seen a thread on this today, and followed the suggestions therein.  namely to Open the Font Book application, Select all fonts, Validate, I then removed the fonts that were labelled as not working, to no avail.  I then tried the SAFE BOOT and this succeeded and both Excel and Word were back to normal.  

However 20 minutes later, after closing and opening Excel and Word again, I am back to square one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi, Since upgrading to 10.9 Mavericks both Excel and Word (office for Mac 2011) are failing to show data in documents.  I believe this is a font problem and i had exactly the same experience when i upgraded Mac OS last time.  

I have seen a thread on this today, and followed the suggestions therein.  namely to Open the Font Book application, Select all fonts, Validate, I then removed the fonts that were labelled as not working, to no avail.  I then tried the SAFE BOOT and this succeeded and both Excel and Word were back to normal.  

However 20 minutes later, after closing and opening Excel and Word again, I am back to square one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Please let us know when the 'fix' or upgrade will be ready to overcome the worldwide problem of repeated account connection errors in Outlook which began the moment we upgraded to OSX Mavericks on our iMac and Macbook Pro.  Thank you.
Outlook ran fine until I allowed the upgrade to Mavericks on my Macbook Pro. Now it crashes within 10 seconds of opening. Any fixes ?

I am unable to keep my email in sync between my iDevices and my Laptop. I have followed all the instruction for setting up an IMAP email account in apple mail nothing works. I have 3 outlook.com custom domain email addresses and I need them to be in-sync.  One example of what happens is that I will archive a message on my laptop in Apple Mail.App but in outlook.com and on my advices it continue sot be in the Inbox. Very frustrating.

Using Outlook 2011 on a Mac upgraded to Mavericks.

In an email I select Preview to preview an attachment. The preview comes up for a few seconds then closes with a black preview screen stating "No item selected. This used to work fine with Snow Leopard.

Can someone help?



Since updating to OS X Mavericks on a Mac, I can't search through my emails or add tasks in Outlook 2011.

I read on a previous forum post that this can be resolved by dragging the Macintosh HD to the Spotlight Privacy folder in System Preferences, which will re-index the hard drive. I did this exactly as instructed, but it hasn't resolved the issue.

In addition, I have tried rebuilding the database using the Microsoft Database Utility, but this hasn't fixed the issue either.

Any ideas on what else I could try?

Many thanks,

I have upgraded my system to Mavericks and since that time I'm not able to work with outlook 2011. In the time when it's trying to communicate with the online server (EWS) it's completely frozen and I cannot do anything with it. So when it doesn't do anything with the server I can open new e-mail, write it but then it starts some backend communication and it' frozen again. When I'm in offline it works smoothly. I tried several solutions:
- repair permissions
- repair MS Database
- move there and back several folders from MS folders in Library
- clean all caches, etc.
nothing helped. :((((
Can anybody help me?


Help!  I just upgraded to MacOSX Mavericks on my iMac.  I use Safari.   I now cannot add an attchment to my Outlook Web App.   I know I was able to do this before but for some reason clicking on the paper clip icon does nothing.


I am frustratred since I used this option quite a bit for school.



R. Smith

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
I use Outlook for mail, calendar and contacts.  For calendar events, it sync's to iCal with sync services.  From there I can sync to my iPhone via iTunes.  I installed Mavericks and immediately noticed in iTunes I could not sync my calendar.  I saw in an online forum you can no longer sync calendar, contacts, bookmarks, etc via iTunes with Mavericks.  This has to go through iCloud which I had previously not used.  I then turned on iCloud on the MacBook Pro and iPhone (i5S).  When I opened iCal none of my calendar events from Outlook had been populated.  Apple Care would help me with only Apple applications.  Although sync services and the sync'ing in iTunes was something Apple removed in Mavericks, they feel this is a MS problem.  I have asked Apple Care to walk me through restoring to Mountain Lion in order to solve my sync problem.  My question to MS - is there a way to continue to use Outlook for these things and get them to sync to Apple products - iPhone and iPad - with Mavericks?