Why is Messenger going away?
I recently logged on messenger and lost all non facebook contacts, is there anything i can do to get them back?

when I sign into messenger , all my contacts pictures are gone showing who they are
how do I change my nicname on mesenger
how do i report abuse in messenger?
Web cam set up and accepted works fine with Skype. Try to make video call  via messenger & am told I need a web cam? Tried re-installing Live Essentials 2012 and same thing happens.
Web cam set up and accepted works fine with Skype. Try to make video call  via messenger & am told I need a web cam? Tried re-installing Live Essentials 2012 and same thing happens.
La respuesta de messenger, es que no se puede iniciar sesión, ya que hay un problema , que lo intente màs tarde.
I am having problems with Microsoft messenger. I am logged in and  can communicate with all of my contacts except one. She is also logged in and can communicate with all other contacts except me. Running Windows 7 on both computers and both on the same network