i tried to sign into my account and i cant says to enter my microsoft account address tried to reset password but it says invalid account and its @xboxfamily.com did someone mess with it or is there a @xboxfamily.com email account how do i reset if there
is a way please help i would like to use my account thank you
I have a Microsoft account with a hotmail E-mail address. I have set up three hotmail alias addresses. I can send E-mails from any of the 3 addresses but the recipient always sees them as coming from my Microsoft A/c address. Also when I receive E-mails
they are copied to the 3 Alias addresses regardless. I am using Microsoft Live Mail. What am I doing wrong?
Original Title: Microsoft Account Address and Alias addresses
I have a Microsoft account with a hotmail E-mail address. I have set up three hotmail alias addresses. I can send E-mails from any of the 3 addresses but the recipient always sees them as coming from my Microsoft A/c address. Also when I receive E-mails they are copied to the 3 Alias addresses regardless. I am using Microsoft Live Mail. What am I doing wrong?
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