Cuenta Microsoft
Confirmación de información de seguridad
Parece que has agregado información de seguridad a tu cuenta Microsoft ([email removed]):
Dirección de correo electrónico alternativa: [alternate email removed]
Puedes usar esta información para restablecer la contraseña si la olvidas.
Confirmar [alternate email removed]
Si no enviaste esta solicitud, haz clic aquí para cancelarla.
El equipo de cuentas Microsoft
Translating this reveals it seems to be a confirmation of an alternate email address. Neither of the email addresses in the message match my email address, but the alternate email is similar to my email (a few characters different). The message was marked
as a trusted sender by so I am fairly certain it is actually from the Microsoft Account Team.
Is someone trying to hack my account or am I somehow receiving these messages by mistake?
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