Tried to open word attachment from e-mail. Screen says windows is searching for a solution, then microsoft word has stopped working. Is this something to do with me trying to link up with a new Epson printer - also not successful. Really fed up!!!
All software is up to date
OS X 10.6
Correct drivers are installed. Happens when printing to any printer.
Intermittent Issue
Here is the error message that accompanies the crash:
Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0
Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2013-04-08 09:33:05 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Bundle ID:
Application Signature: MSWD
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: libobjc.A.dylib
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x00005f8b
Blame Module Name: EF283976 (FF)
Blame Module Version:
Blame Module Offset: 0x00003e42
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
Crashed thread: 0
Thread 0 crashed:
# 1 0x99ca0f8b in _objc_msgSend + 0x0000001B (libobjc.A.dylib + 0x00005f8b)
# 2 0x9146ce9d in __netServiceDispatchCallbackForResolving + 0x00000032 (Foundation + 0x00118e9d)
# 3 0x997a4259 in _ServiceCancel(__CFNetService*) + 0x000000AA (CFNetwork + 0x0004c259)
# 4 0x99d8842b in ___CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 0x0000061B (CoreFoundation + 0x0003f42b)
# 5 0x99d85eef in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x0000042F (CoreFoundation + 0x0003ceef)
# 6 0x99d853c4 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x000001C4 (CoreFoundation + 0x0003c3c4)
# 7 0x99d851f1 in _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 0x00000061 (CoreFoundation + 0x0003c1f1)
# 8 0x99dd9802 in _CFMessagePortSendRequest + 0x00000372 (CoreFoundation + 0x00090802)
# 9 0x1d303e42 in UI_Panel::~UI_Panel() + 0x0000014A (EF283976 (FF) + 0x00003e42)
# 10 0x1d302101 in -[FieryFeaturesPDE2E81368C4D634EDD92D69DDAF12D70B6 dealloc] + 0x000000E1 (EF283976 (FF) + 0x00002101)
# 11 0x165ee365 in (PrintCocoaUI + 0x00001365)
# 12 0x92770ede in -[NSMenuItem dealloc] + 0x000000B9 (AppKit + 0x00017ede)
# 13 0x929a804b in -[NSPopUpButtonCell removeAllItems] + 0x0000003F (AppKit + 0x0024f04b)
# 14 0x165f36dd in (PrintCocoaUI + 0x000066dd)
# 15 0x1661242b in CarbonPrintButtonEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x00006E41 (PrintCocoaUI + 0x0002542b)
# 16 0x927dfa26 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 0x00000070 (AppKit + 0x00086a26)
# 17 0x928bf255 in -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 0x0000006C (AppKit + 0x00166255)
# 18 0x928bad02 in -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 0x000000A9 (AppKit + 0x00161d02)
# 19 0x9297e956 in -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 0x000002C3 (AppKit + 0x00225956)
# 20 0x928d97af in -[NSButton performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000017A (AppKit + 0x001807af)
# 21 0x928d961c in -[NSControl _performKeyEquivalent:conditionally:] + 0x000000A5 (AppKit + 0x0018061c)
# 22 0x928d94e8 in -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000016F (AppKit + 0x001804e8)
# 23 0x928d94e8 in -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000016F (AppKit + 0x001804e8)
# 24 0x928d925a in -[NSWindow performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x000000F5 (AppKit + 0x0018025a)
# 25 0x9297e5db in -[NSWindow keyDown:] + 0x0000005D (AppKit + 0x002255db)
# 26 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 27 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 28 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 29 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 30 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 31 0x9a45d8fb in -[PDFView keyDown:] + 0x0000025D (PDFKit + 0x000078fb)
# 32 0x928b6b28 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 0x0000167D (AppKit + 0x0015db28)
# 33 0x927cf60b in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 0x0000191F (AppKit + 0x0007660b)
# 34 0x92e2bbb4 in _carbonAppWindowKeyboardHandler + 0x000000CB (AppKit + 0x006d2bb4)
# 35 0x92e2d241 in _carbonAppWindowHandler + 0x0000041C (AppKit + 0x006d4241)
# 36 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 37 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 38 0x94821d55 in _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 0x0000003A (HIToolbox + 0x00006d55)
# 39 0x9485660b in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x000007A5 (HIToolbox + 0x0003b60b)
# 40 0x94823080 in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x00000A70 (HIToolbox + 0x00008080)
# 41 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 42 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 43 0x949cdc17 in _ToolboxEventDispatcher + 0x00000056 (HIToolbox + 0x001b2c17)
# 44 0x949cdc52 in _HLTBEventDispatcher + 0x00000011 (HIToolbox + 0x001b2c52)
# 45 0x949ce190 in __RunAppModalLoop + 0x0000009E (HIToolbox + 0x001b3190)
# 46 0x949ce5eb in _RunAppModalLoopForWindow + 0x000000C2 (HIToolbox + 0x001b35eb)
# 47 0x92a1a2ba in -[NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:] + 0x000003C1 (AppKit + 0x002c12ba)
# 48 0x92a19945 in -[NSApplication runModalForWindow:] + 0x00000111 (AppKit + 0x002c0945)
# 49 0x1660c42d in CarbonPrintButtonEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x00000E43 (PrintCocoaUI + 0x0001f42d)
# 50 0x165fe9c3 in _PMPrivatePrintDialog + 0x0000010B (PrintCocoaUI + 0x000119c3)
# 51 0x91795270 in (Print + 0x00003270)
# 52 0x2734829d in _MsoAfxPMSessionPrintDialog + 0x00000032 (MicrosoftOffice + 0x002d129d)
# 53 0x24fb4521 in _wdCommandDispatch + 0x00345661 (Microsoft Word + 0x008bc521)
# 54 0x25875964 in _wdGetApplicationObject + 0x007FBE24 (Microsoft Word + 0x0117d964)
# 55 0x2587da6b in _wdGetApplicationObject + 0x00803F2B (Microsoft Word + 0x01185a6b)
# 56 0x2498af9d in __mh_execute_header + 0x00292F9D (Microsoft Word + 0x00292f9d)
# 57 0x249efc21 in __mh_execute_header + 0x002F7C21 (Microsoft Word + 0x002f7c21)
# 58 0x249ef8fa in __mh_execute_header + 0x002F78FA (Microsoft Word + 0x002f78fa)
# 59 0x270e1b31 in _MsoOSTypeDefaultMailClient + 0x00000088 (MicrosoftOffice + 0x0006ab31)
# 60 0x26952034 in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x00000241 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006d034)
# 61 0x26951fc3 in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x000001D0 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006cfc3)
# 62 0x26951f8d in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x0000019A (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006cf8d)
# 63 0x2a7b3681 in MenuLib::TMenuItem::CallSelectionProcs(unsigned long) + 0x0000045D (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001a681)
# 64 0x2a7b32af in MenuLib::TMenuItem::CallSelectionProcs(unsigned long) + 0x0000008B (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001a2af)
# 65 0x2a7b6001 in MenuLib::Terminate() + 0x00001A23 (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001d001)
# 66 0x2a79f5b1 in MenuLib::CreateAppMenu(MenuLib::MMLMenuType) + 0x00000F9B (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x000065b1)
# 67 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 68 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 69 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 70 0x94870e87 in SendHICommandEvent(unsigned long, HICommand const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, void const*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef**) + 0x000001C0 (HIToolbox + 0x00055e87)
# 71 0x94895b90 in _SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 0x00000042 (HIToolbox + 0x0007ab90)
# 72 0x94895b47 in _SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 0x00000079 (HIToolbox + 0x0007ab47)
# 73 0x94a21941 in __HIMenuSendItemSelectedEvent + 0x00000053 (HIToolbox + 0x00206941)
# 74 0x949d0a36 in HIMenuBar::HandleKeyboardEvent(OpaqueEventRef*) + 0x00000130 (HIToolbox + 0x001b5a36)
# 75 0x9482322b in HIObject::EventHook(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x000000AD (HIToolbox + 0x0000822b)
# 76 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 77 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 78 0x94821d55 in _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 0x0000003A (HIToolbox + 0x00006d55)
# 79 0x948565e4 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x0000077E (HIToolbox + 0x0003b5e4)
# 80 0x94823080 in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x00000A70 (HIToolbox + 0x00008080)
# 81 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 82 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 83 0x2692cfa9 in _McpRunApplicationEventLoop + 0x00002E27 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00047fa9)
# 84 0x2692a616 in _McpRunApplicationEventLoop + 0x00000494 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00045616)
# 85 0x246fb4c1 in __mh_execute_header + 0x000034C1 (Microsoft Word + 0x000034c1)
# 86 0x293e0ca5 in __WlmMain + 0x00000061 (WLMKernel + 0x00004ca5)
# 87 0x246fa865 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00002865 (Microsoft Word + 0x00002865)
# 88 0x246fa816 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00002816 (Microsoft Word + 0x00002816)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x1d72caa0 ebx: 0x9146cf5e ecx: 0x92f7ec30 edx:0x1d76b0e7
edi: 0x00001000 esi: 0x9154c820 ebp: 0xbfff9da8 esp:0xbfff9d44
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x99ca0f8b cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010206
Thread 1:
# 1 0x9387f382 in ___kevent + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00027382)
# 2 0x9387ef59 in __dispatch_queue_invoke + 0x000000A3 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026f59)
# 3 0x9387ecfe in __dispatch_worker_thread2 + 0x000000F0 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026cfe)
# 4 0x9387e781 in __pthread_wqthread + 0x00000186 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026781)
# 5 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000016b ebx: 0x9387f9d6 ecx: 0xb0080d5c edx:0x9387f382
edi: 0xa040e1ec esi: 0xb0080ed8 ebp: 0xb0080ef8 esp:0xb0080d5c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387f382 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 2:
# 1 0x93886aa2 in ___semwait_signal + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002eaa2)
# 2 0x938e80ae in _sleep$UNIX2003 + 0x0000003F (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000900ae)
# 3 0x26dfe012 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000B3F (merp + 0x00003012)
# 4 0x26dfd6de in _MerpCreateSession + 0x0000020B (merp + 0x000026de)
# 5 0x26dfd669 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000196 (merp + 0x00002669)
# 6 0x26dfec06 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00001733 (merp + 0x00003c06)
# 7 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 8 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000014e ebx: 0x938b2916 ecx: 0xb0184a7c edx:0x93886aa2
edi: 0xb0184e28 esi: 0xb0184ad8 ebp: 0xb0184ab8 esp:0xb0184a7c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93886aa2 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 3:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0206f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x0100541c esi: 0xb0207000 ebp: 0xb0206fc8 esp:0xb0206f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Thread 4:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0288f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x01005550 esi: 0xb0289000 ebp: 0xb0288fc8 esp:0xb0288f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Thread 5:
# 1 0x93877ac6 in ___select + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0001fac6)
# 2 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 3 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0014005d ebx: 0x99dc5821 ecx: 0xb0089aec edx:0x93877ac6
edi: 0x00000004 esi: 0x00000008 ebp: 0xb0091f88 esp:0xb0089aec
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93877ac6 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 6:
# 1 0x93886aa2 in ___semwait_signal + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002eaa2)
# 2 0x938b2903 in _usleep$UNIX2003 + 0x0000003D (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0005a903)
# 3 0x9290ae2d in -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 0x000007F7 (AppKit + 0x001b1e2d)
# 4 0x9136a4c4 in -[NSThread main] + 0x0000002D (Foundation + 0x000164c4)
# 5 0x9136a474 in ___NSThread__main__ + 0x000005DB (Foundation + 0x00016474)
# 6 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 7 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000014e ebx: 0x938b2916 ecx: 0xb0313c2c edx:0x93886aa2
edi: 0xa02ac2b4 esi: 0xb0313c88 ebp: 0xb0313c68 esp:0xb0313c2c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93886aa2 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 7:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0395f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x0100556c esi: 0xb0396000 ebp: 0xb0395fc8 esp:0xb0395f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Loaded modules:
0: ATSHI.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ATSHI.dylib
1: Unicode Encodings (2.3 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
2: WordPDE (1.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
3: libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib: /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
4: libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib: /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
5: PrintCocoaUI (305.4 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PrintingPrivate.framework/Versions/Current/Plugins/PrintCocoaUI.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PrintCocoaUI
6: PrintingCocoaPDEs (305.4 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PrintingPrivate.framework/Versions/A/Plugins/PrintingCocoaPDEs.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PrintingCocoaPDEs
7: libPDFRIP.A.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPDFRIP.A.dylib
8: libFontRegistryUI.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Resources/libFontRegistryUI.dylib
9: EnglishGrammar ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/EnglishGrammar.proofingtool/Contents/MacOS/EnglishGrammar
10: EF283976 (FF) ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Library/Printers/Canon/PS3/PDEs/EF283976/EF283976 (FF).plugin/Contents/MacOS/EF283976 (FF)
11: Speller ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/English Speller.proofingtool/Contents/MacOS/Speller
12: MicrosoftProofing ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
13: Microsoft Word ( Reg=en Loc=0x0409: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
14: mbukernel ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
15: MicrosoftSetupUI ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
16: MicrosoftComponentPlugin ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
17: Netlib ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
18: MicrosoftOLE ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
19: MicrosoftOLEAutomation ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
20: merp ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
21: MSXML ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
22: MicrosoftOffice ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
23: OfficeArt ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
24: MicrosoftOleo ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
25: MicrosoftMathFont ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
26: MicrosoftChartPlugin ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
27: MicrosoftPTLS ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
28: MsgrLibClient ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
29: MBURibbon ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
30: MViewLib ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
31: WLMUser ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
32: WLMGraphicsDevice ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2013-04-08 09:33:05 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft Word
Application Bundle ID:
Application Signature: MSWD
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: libobjc.A.dylib
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x00005f8b
Blame Module Name: EF283976 (FF)
Blame Module Version:
Blame Module Offset: 0x00003e42
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
Crashed thread: 0
Thread 0 crashed:
# 1 0x99ca0f8b in _objc_msgSend + 0x0000001B (libobjc.A.dylib + 0x00005f8b)
# 2 0x9146ce9d in __netServiceDispatchCallbackForResolving + 0x00000032 (Foundation + 0x00118e9d)
# 3 0x997a4259 in _ServiceCancel(__CFNetService*) + 0x000000AA (CFNetwork + 0x0004c259)
# 4 0x99d8842b in ___CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 0x0000061B (CoreFoundation + 0x0003f42b)
# 5 0x99d85eef in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x0000042F (CoreFoundation + 0x0003ceef)
# 6 0x99d853c4 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x000001C4 (CoreFoundation + 0x0003c3c4)
# 7 0x99d851f1 in _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 0x00000061 (CoreFoundation + 0x0003c1f1)
# 8 0x99dd9802 in _CFMessagePortSendRequest + 0x00000372 (CoreFoundation + 0x00090802)
# 9 0x1d303e42 in UI_Panel::~UI_Panel() + 0x0000014A (EF283976 (FF) + 0x00003e42)
# 10 0x1d302101 in -[FieryFeaturesPDE2E81368C4D634EDD92D69DDAF12D70B6 dealloc] + 0x000000E1 (EF283976 (FF) + 0x00002101)
# 11 0x165ee365 in (PrintCocoaUI + 0x00001365)
# 12 0x92770ede in -[NSMenuItem dealloc] + 0x000000B9 (AppKit + 0x00017ede)
# 13 0x929a804b in -[NSPopUpButtonCell removeAllItems] + 0x0000003F (AppKit + 0x0024f04b)
# 14 0x165f36dd in (PrintCocoaUI + 0x000066dd)
# 15 0x1661242b in CarbonPrintButtonEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x00006E41 (PrintCocoaUI + 0x0002542b)
# 16 0x927dfa26 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 0x00000070 (AppKit + 0x00086a26)
# 17 0x928bf255 in -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 0x0000006C (AppKit + 0x00166255)
# 18 0x928bad02 in -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 0x000000A9 (AppKit + 0x00161d02)
# 19 0x9297e956 in -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 0x000002C3 (AppKit + 0x00225956)
# 20 0x928d97af in -[NSButton performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000017A (AppKit + 0x001807af)
# 21 0x928d961c in -[NSControl _performKeyEquivalent:conditionally:] + 0x000000A5 (AppKit + 0x0018061c)
# 22 0x928d94e8 in -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000016F (AppKit + 0x001804e8)
# 23 0x928d94e8 in -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x0000016F (AppKit + 0x001804e8)
# 24 0x928d925a in -[NSWindow performKeyEquivalent:] + 0x000000F5 (AppKit + 0x0018025a)
# 25 0x9297e5db in -[NSWindow keyDown:] + 0x0000005D (AppKit + 0x002255db)
# 26 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 27 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 28 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 29 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 30 0x927cc8b5 in _forwardMethod + 0x00000071 (AppKit + 0x000738b5)
# 31 0x9a45d8fb in -[PDFView keyDown:] + 0x0000025D (PDFKit + 0x000078fb)
# 32 0x928b6b28 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 0x0000167D (AppKit + 0x0015db28)
# 33 0x927cf60b in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 0x0000191F (AppKit + 0x0007660b)
# 34 0x92e2bbb4 in _carbonAppWindowKeyboardHandler + 0x000000CB (AppKit + 0x006d2bb4)
# 35 0x92e2d241 in _carbonAppWindowHandler + 0x0000041C (AppKit + 0x006d4241)
# 36 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 37 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 38 0x94821d55 in _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 0x0000003A (HIToolbox + 0x00006d55)
# 39 0x9485660b in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x000007A5 (HIToolbox + 0x0003b60b)
# 40 0x94823080 in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x00000A70 (HIToolbox + 0x00008080)
# 41 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 42 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 43 0x949cdc17 in _ToolboxEventDispatcher + 0x00000056 (HIToolbox + 0x001b2c17)
# 44 0x949cdc52 in _HLTBEventDispatcher + 0x00000011 (HIToolbox + 0x001b2c52)
# 45 0x949ce190 in __RunAppModalLoop + 0x0000009E (HIToolbox + 0x001b3190)
# 46 0x949ce5eb in _RunAppModalLoopForWindow + 0x000000C2 (HIToolbox + 0x001b35eb)
# 47 0x92a1a2ba in -[NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:] + 0x000003C1 (AppKit + 0x002c12ba)
# 48 0x92a19945 in -[NSApplication runModalForWindow:] + 0x00000111 (AppKit + 0x002c0945)
# 49 0x1660c42d in CarbonPrintButtonEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x00000E43 (PrintCocoaUI + 0x0001f42d)
# 50 0x165fe9c3 in _PMPrivatePrintDialog + 0x0000010B (PrintCocoaUI + 0x000119c3)
# 51 0x91795270 in (Print + 0x00003270)
# 52 0x2734829d in _MsoAfxPMSessionPrintDialog + 0x00000032 (MicrosoftOffice + 0x002d129d)
# 53 0x24fb4521 in _wdCommandDispatch + 0x00345661 (Microsoft Word + 0x008bc521)
# 54 0x25875964 in _wdGetApplicationObject + 0x007FBE24 (Microsoft Word + 0x0117d964)
# 55 0x2587da6b in _wdGetApplicationObject + 0x00803F2B (Microsoft Word + 0x01185a6b)
# 56 0x2498af9d in __mh_execute_header + 0x00292F9D (Microsoft Word + 0x00292f9d)
# 57 0x249efc21 in __mh_execute_header + 0x002F7C21 (Microsoft Word + 0x002f7c21)
# 58 0x249ef8fa in __mh_execute_header + 0x002F78FA (Microsoft Word + 0x002f78fa)
# 59 0x270e1b31 in _MsoOSTypeDefaultMailClient + 0x00000088 (MicrosoftOffice + 0x0006ab31)
# 60 0x26952034 in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x00000241 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006d034)
# 61 0x26951fc3 in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x000001D0 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006cfc3)
# 62 0x26951f8d in _MsoFClonePxCore + 0x0000019A (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0006cf8d)
# 63 0x2a7b3681 in MenuLib::TMenuItem::CallSelectionProcs(unsigned long) + 0x0000045D (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001a681)
# 64 0x2a7b32af in MenuLib::TMenuItem::CallSelectionProcs(unsigned long) + 0x0000008B (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001a2af)
# 65 0x2a7b6001 in MenuLib::Terminate() + 0x00001A23 (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x0001d001)
# 66 0x2a79f5b1 in MenuLib::CreateAppMenu(MenuLib::MMLMenuType) + 0x00000F9B (MicrosoftMenuLibrary + 0x000065b1)
# 67 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 68 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 69 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 70 0x94870e87 in SendHICommandEvent(unsigned long, HICommand const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, void const*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef**) + 0x000001C0 (HIToolbox + 0x00055e87)
# 71 0x94895b90 in _SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 0x00000042 (HIToolbox + 0x0007ab90)
# 72 0x94895b47 in _SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 0x00000079 (HIToolbox + 0x0007ab47)
# 73 0x94a21941 in __HIMenuSendItemSelectedEvent + 0x00000053 (HIToolbox + 0x00206941)
# 74 0x949d0a36 in HIMenuBar::HandleKeyboardEvent(OpaqueEventRef*) + 0x00000130 (HIToolbox + 0x001b5a36)
# 75 0x9482322b in HIObject::EventHook(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x000000AD (HIToolbox + 0x0000822b)
# 76 0x94822c2f in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000061F (HIToolbox + 0x00007c2f)
# 77 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 78 0x94821d55 in _SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 0x0000003A (HIToolbox + 0x00006d55)
# 79 0x948565e4 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 0x0000077E (HIToolbox + 0x0003b5e4)
# 80 0x94823080 in DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x00000A70 (HIToolbox + 0x00008080)
# 81 0x94821ef6 in SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 0x0000019B (HIToolbox + 0x00006ef6)
# 82 0x948447f3 in _SendEventToEventTarget + 0x00000034 (HIToolbox + 0x000297f3)
# 83 0x2692cfa9 in _McpRunApplicationEventLoop + 0x00002E27 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00047fa9)
# 84 0x2692a616 in _McpRunApplicationEventLoop + 0x00000494 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00045616)
# 85 0x246fb4c1 in __mh_execute_header + 0x000034C1 (Microsoft Word + 0x000034c1)
# 86 0x293e0ca5 in __WlmMain + 0x00000061 (WLMKernel + 0x00004ca5)
# 87 0x246fa865 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00002865 (Microsoft Word + 0x00002865)
# 88 0x246fa816 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00002816 (Microsoft Word + 0x00002816)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x1d72caa0 ebx: 0x9146cf5e ecx: 0x92f7ec30 edx:0x1d76b0e7
edi: 0x00001000 esi: 0x9154c820 ebp: 0xbfff9da8 esp:0xbfff9d44
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x99ca0f8b cs: 0x00000017 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00010206
Thread 1:
# 1 0x9387f382 in ___kevent + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00027382)
# 2 0x9387ef59 in __dispatch_queue_invoke + 0x000000A3 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026f59)
# 3 0x9387ecfe in __dispatch_worker_thread2 + 0x000000F0 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026cfe)
# 4 0x9387e781 in __pthread_wqthread + 0x00000186 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026781)
# 5 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000016b ebx: 0x9387f9d6 ecx: 0xb0080d5c edx:0x9387f382
edi: 0xa040e1ec esi: 0xb0080ed8 ebp: 0xb0080ef8 esp:0xb0080d5c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387f382 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 2:
# 1 0x93886aa2 in ___semwait_signal + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002eaa2)
# 2 0x938e80ae in _sleep$UNIX2003 + 0x0000003F (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000900ae)
# 3 0x26dfe012 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000B3F (merp + 0x00003012)
# 4 0x26dfd6de in _MerpCreateSession + 0x0000020B (merp + 0x000026de)
# 5 0x26dfd669 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00000196 (merp + 0x00002669)
# 6 0x26dfec06 in _MerpCreateSession + 0x00001733 (merp + 0x00003c06)
# 7 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 8 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000014e ebx: 0x938b2916 ecx: 0xb0184a7c edx:0x93886aa2
edi: 0xb0184e28 esi: 0xb0184ad8 ebp: 0xb0184ab8 esp:0xb0184a7c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93886aa2 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 3:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0206f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x0100541c esi: 0xb0207000 ebp: 0xb0206fc8 esp:0xb0206f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Thread 4:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0288f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x01005550 esi: 0xb0289000 ebp: 0xb0288fc8 esp:0xb0288f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Thread 5:
# 1 0x93877ac6 in ___select + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0001fac6)
# 2 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 3 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0014005d ebx: 0x99dc5821 ecx: 0xb0089aec edx:0x93877ac6
edi: 0x00000004 esi: 0x00000008 ebp: 0xb0091f88 esp:0xb0089aec
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93877ac6 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 6:
# 1 0x93886aa2 in ___semwait_signal + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002eaa2)
# 2 0x938b2903 in _usleep$UNIX2003 + 0x0000003D (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0005a903)
# 3 0x9290ae2d in -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 0x000007F7 (AppKit + 0x001b1e2d)
# 4 0x9136a4c4 in -[NSThread main] + 0x0000002D (Foundation + 0x000164c4)
# 5 0x9136a474 in ___NSThread__main__ + 0x000005DB (Foundation + 0x00016474)
# 6 0x93886259 in __pthread_start + 0x00000159 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e259)
# 7 0x938860de in _thread_start + 0x00000022 (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x0002e0de)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x0000014e ebx: 0x938b2916 ecx: 0xb0313c2c edx:0x93886aa2
edi: 0xa02ac2b4 esi: 0xb0313c88 ebp: 0xb0313c68 esp:0xb0313c2c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x93886aa2 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000246
Thread 7:
# 1 0x9387e412 in ___workq_kernreturn + 0x0000000A (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x00026412)
# 2 0x9387e5c6 in _start_wqthread + 0x0000001E (libSystem.B.dylib + 0x000265c6)
X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00100170 ebx: 0x9387e609 ecx: 0xb0395f6c edx:0x9387e412
edi: 0x0100556c esi: 0xb0396000 ebp: 0xb0395fc8 esp:0xb0395f6c
ss: 0x0000001f eip: 0x9387e412 cs: 0x00000007 ds:0x0000001f
es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037 eflags:0x00000286
Loaded modules:
0: ATSHI.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ATSHI.dylib
1: Unicode Encodings (2.3 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
2: WordPDE (1.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
3: libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib: /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
4: libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib: /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
5: PrintCocoaUI (305.4 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PrintingPrivate.framework/Versions/Current/Plugins/PrintCocoaUI.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PrintCocoaUI
6: PrintingCocoaPDEs (305.4 Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PrintingPrivate.framework/Versions/A/Plugins/PrintingCocoaPDEs.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PrintingCocoaPDEs
7: libPDFRIP.A.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPDFRIP.A.dylib
8: libFontRegistryUI.dylib: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Resources/libFontRegistryUI.dylib
9: EnglishGrammar ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/EnglishGrammar.proofingtool/Contents/MacOS/EnglishGrammar
10: EF283976 (FF) ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Library/Printers/Canon/PS3/PDEs/EF283976/EF283976 (FF).plugin/Contents/MacOS/EF283976 (FF)
11: Speller ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/English Speller.proofingtool/Contents/MacOS/Speller
12: MicrosoftProofing ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
13: Microsoft Word ( Reg=en Loc=0x0409: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
14: mbukernel ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
15: MicrosoftSetupUI ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
16: MicrosoftComponentPlugin ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
17: Netlib ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
18: MicrosoftOLE ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
19: MicrosoftOLEAutomation ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
20: merp ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
21: MSXML ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
22: MicrosoftOffice ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
23: OfficeArt ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
24: MicrosoftOleo ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
25: MicrosoftMathFont ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
26: MicrosoftChartPlugin ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
27: MicrosoftPTLS ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
28: MsgrLibClient ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
29: MBURibbon ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
30: MViewLib ( Reg=en Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
31: WLMUser ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
32: WLMGraphicsDevice ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft
I can't get my Word Processor to work. When I click on Microsoft Word 2010, All I get is Click-to-Run configuration I have tried to uninstall and re-install. Will somebody please show me the simple way to get it working again or send me instructions to
get it working again. I need it for school.
Hi I am new to the MAC and downloaded the office 2011 package. However once I installed none of the office components will open. They all need to be forced quit. I tried to reinstall but it doesnt help. I am running OS X v 10.8.2. I have also tried
to download the updates and SP from 14.1.0 update Microsoft but each one says a version of the software to install over doesnt exist. Please help
below is some of the error I am getting from word
ate/Time: 2013-02-21 07:37:50 -0500
OS Version: 10.8.2 (Build 12C3103)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 11
Command: Word
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
Version: 14.3.1 (14.3.1)
Build Version: 0
Project Name: (null)
Source Version: 130117
Parent: launchd [222]
PID: 826
Event: hang
Duration: 1.52s
Steps: 16 (100ms sampling interval)
Hardware model: MacBookPro9,1
Active cpus: 8
Free pages: 166042 pages (-1645)
Pageins: 13 pages
Pageouts: 0 pages
Process: Microsoft Word [826]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
Architecture: i386
Parent: launchd [222]
UID: 501
Task size: 5680 pages
Thread 0x42f8 priority 47
16 ??? (Microsoft Word + 9718) [0x3a5f6]
16 ??? (Microsoft Word + 9751) [0x3a617]
16 ??? (Microsoft Word + 9965) [0x3a6ed]
16 SetupUI_IsActivityAllowed + 40 (MicrosoftSetupUI) [0x21dbeb8]
16 ??? (MicrosoftSetupUI + 10656) [0x21db9a0]
16 __open + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x996e076e]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 841965) [0xffffff80002cd8ed]
*16 unix_syscall + 467 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80005e0313]
*16 open + 260 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002fb1e4]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 1027045) [0xffffff80002fabe5]
*16 VNOP_ADVLOCK + 75 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff800031240b]
*16 lf_advlock + 661 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000557c15]
*16 msleep + 116 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000569124]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3575094) [0xffffff8000568d36]
*16 lck_mtx_sleep + 78 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002265fe]
*16 thread_block_reason + 300 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff800022da0c]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 190273) [0xffffff800022e741]
*16 machine_switch_context + 366 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff80002b401e]
Thread 0x430c DispatchQueue 1701273966 priority 49
16 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x95a8f7a9]
16 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x996e19ae]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3467616) [0xffffff800054e960]
Thread 0x430f priority 47
16 thread_start + 34 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x93b60cee]
16 _pthread_start + 344 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x93b76557]
16 MerpCreateSession + 5819 (merp) [0x276886e]
16 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x996de7d2]
*16 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000213030]
Thread 0x4313 priority 47
16 thread_start + 34 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x93b60cee]
16 _pthread_start + 344 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x93b76557]
16 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68 (CarbonCore) [0x95563a7b]
16 MBUCreateThread(char const*, void*, void (*)(void*), MBUThreadID&, unsigned long) + 510 (mbukernel) [0x21ae4e2]
16 TcidIsDisabledInDRM + 65322 (MicrosoftSetupUI) [0x22067f6]
16 MBUSemaphore::WaitOnSemaphore(unsigned long) + 45 (mbukernel) [0x21b5065]
16 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x996de826]
*16 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000233ec0]
Binary Images:
0x38000 - 0x1db1ffb 14.3.1 (14.3.1) <9C7C4149-2881-D410-8158-BE74945A3B19> /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
0x21a9000 - 0x21c2ff7 14.3.1 (14.3.1) <ED98FCAF-4DDE-B06E-3DFC-9D4F64CBD002> /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/*/mbukernel.framework/Versions/14/mbukernel
0x21d9000 - 0x2216fe3 14.3.1 (14.3.1) <0665F602-B588-BE14-3228-F53D887EC5C8> /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/*/MicrosoftSetupUI.framework/Versions/14/MicrosoftSetupUI
0x2765000 - 0x2771feb 2.2.4 (2.2.4) <8FFE3EF4-6792-5159-93C5-A660B413DBD9> /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/*/merp.framework/Versions/14/merp
0x93b60000 - 0x93c1dfeb libsystem_c.dylib <86676789-5895-32E3-B491-FCA52DB508F2> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x954cd000 - 0x957d2ff7 1037.3 (1037.3) <4571EDDC-704A-3FB1-B9A6-59870AA6165F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x95a8b000 - 0x95a9dff7 libdispatch.dylib <86EF7D45-2D97-3465-A449-95038AE5DABA> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x996cc000 - 0x996e6ffc libsystem_kernel.dylib <561E35E5-E32E-3BFB-9E8B-C977BA6C4F85> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000734d7c mach_kernel <3F93B852-872F-3DF0-BCF8-46D48024C422> /mach_kernel
Process: accountsd [269]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [222]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5340 pages
Thread 0x9a8 DispatchQueue 1 priority 31
16 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x1104017e1]
16 ??? (accountsd + 3048) [0x10c2e9be8]
16 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290 (CoreFoundation) [0x10e0ee6b2]
16 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078 (CoreFoundation) [0x10e0eeee6]
16 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195 (CoreFoundation) [0x10e0e9803]
16 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x1105d0686]
*16 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000213030]
Thread 0x9b1 DispatchQueue 2 priority 33
16 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x1103cb9ee]
16 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x1105d2d16]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3467616) [0xffffff800054e960]
Binary Images:
0x10c2e9000 - 0x10c2e9fff accountsd <454A20EE-966C-3964-A67D-F6D0A264D60E> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
0x10e0ba000 - 0x10e2a3fff 6.8 (744.12) <EF002794-DAEF-31C6-866C-E3E3AC387A9F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x1103c7000 - 0x1103dcff7 libdispatch.dylib <D26996BF-FC57-39EB-8829-F63585561E09> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x1103ff000 - 0x110402ff7 libdyld.dylib <F59367C9-C110-382B-A695-9035A6DD387E> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x1105c0000 - 0x1105dbff7 libsystem_kernel.dylib <EC0A9F5B-C9F5-336B-A7DD-49A718042F39> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000734d7c mach_kernel <3F93B852-872F-3DF0-BCF8-46D48024C422> /mach_kernel
Process: AirPort Base Station Agent [300]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [222]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Clean
Task size: 2520 pages
Thread 0xbaa DispatchQueue 1 priority 31
16 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib) [0x10b3a87e1]
16 ??? (AirPort Base Station Agent + 71957) [0x109485915]
16 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation) [0x1094e3371]
16 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290 (CoreFoundation) [0x1094d46b2]
16 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078 (CoreFoundation) [0x1094d4ee6]
16 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195 (CoreFoundation) [0x1094cf803]
16 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x10b585686]
*16 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (mach_kernel) [0xffffff8000213030]
Thread 0xbd0 DispatchQueue 2 priority 33
16 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x10b3729ee]
16 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x10b587d16]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3467616) [0xffffff800054e960]
Thread 0xbda priority 31
16 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x10b400181]
16 _pthread_start + 327 (libsystem_c.dylib) [0x10b413742]
16 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x10b587322]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3576576) [0xffffff8000569300]
Binary Images:
0x109474000 - 0x10948aff7 1.5.5 (155.7) <71B3B12F-7934-3F6C-B6F1-165DB5DEE6B2> /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Base Station Agent
0x1094a0000 - 0x109689fff 6.8 (744.12) <EF002794-DAEF-31C6-866C-E3E3AC387A9F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x10b36e000 - 0x10b383ff7 libdispatch.dylib <D26996BF-FC57-39EB-8829-F63585561E09> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x10b3a6000 - 0x10b3a9ff7 libdyld.dylib <F59367C9-C110-382B-A695-9035A6DD387E> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x10b3ff000 - 0x10b4cbfe7 libsystem_c.dylib <3B1FE674-F556-3B3F-922A-FEEF222576D8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x10b575000 - 0x10b590ff7 libsystem_kernel.dylib <EC0A9F5B-C9F5-336B-A7DD-49A718042F39> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000734d7c mach_kernel <3F93B852-872F-3DF0-BCF8-46D48024C422> /mach_kernel
Process: appleeventsd [52]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 71
Sudden Term: Dirty (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1201 pages
Thread 0x1ea DispatchQueue 2 priority 33
16 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x10d48f9ee]
16 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x10d6add16]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3467616) [0xffffff800054e960]
Thread 0x1eb DispatchQueue 7 priority 31
16 _dispatch_sig_thread + 45 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x10d48cd85]
16 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x10d6ad566]
*16 ??? (mach_kernel + 3576576) [0xffffff8000569300]
Binary Images:
0x10b930000 - 0x10b930fff appleeventsd <4617FC4D-4C6C-3B62-9E64-08F9C99ABEEF> /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
0x10d48b000 - 0x10d4a0ff7 libdispatch.dylib <D26996BF-FC57-39EB-8829-F63585561E09> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x10d69b000 - 0x10d6b6ff7 libsystem_kernel.dylib <EC0A9F5B-C9F5-336B-A7DD-49A718042F39> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000734d7c mach_kernel <3F93B852-872F-3DF0-BCF8-46D48024C422> /mach_kernel
purchased monthly subscription to MICROSOFT word and app keeps stopping/restrting/stopping over & over again.
my mail opens and uses Microsoft Works and I want it to use Microsoft Word.
Recently, everytime I click on 'Inbox' at messenger live, it links me to microsoft word and it wants me to sign in.
How can I fix this problem?
I have erased and reinstalled messenger live but it still acts the same.
We have a pdf posted online that has a Web Page Title that includes Microsoft Word - and ends with .doc when viewed on a mobile device. I understand that this is part of the meta data, and cannot find a place to modify this. Firstly it is annoying that
the .doc suffix would be included on a .pdf and Secondly, how do I remove the Microsoft Word Prefix.
I tried to change the web options preferences, and under web page title no matter what is inputted we still get Microsoft Word and .doc displayed as part of the title name. I just need to change the title. Under get info in finder the title is listed as
the same thing.... of course this is not the file name, I am having no issues with that.
Hopefully this makes sense, I need to change the title name, not the file name. It needs to not say Microsoft Word in the title and not be appended with .doc as it is a .pdf and is reflected as a .pdf in it's file name. Please help... this cannot remain
on our website in this manner.
It's probably that I am so frustrated now, I may have put this in the wrong forum, this is for Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac.
how can i increase the size of the display on received emails. the text is sometimes to small to read easily and when i print them using my canon mp460
the resulting print out is almost impossible to read. i do not suspect the printer because printing documents created in microsoft word does not present a problem and i can adjust the font size up or down as required.
john dobie
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