23. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,
I have windows XP. Do I need to get windows 8? Either for all of the Microsoft and outlook stuff but also for the xbox live. Because my son is getting his xbox for christmas and I want it to all work!!

Windows Live Feedback: by Tom (aka Reallyoldguy)




For nearly three years Windows Live Mail has not reliably been able to forward emails that have pictures interspersed with the email text. The result is that the structure of the email is altered to such a degree that the overall email message is lost. This has led to much disappointment, frustration, anguish, and even hostility amongst many many Windows Live Email users. We feel as if we are being completely ignored and abandoned by Microsoft. Many have indicated that they changed from Windows Live Mail to some other non Microsoft email client. That is a shame.


 I believe the Microsoft Forum Moderators  have not, will not, or cannot rectify this issue.


Microsoft, the ball is in your court. Can you, and will you fix this? If not, please tell us. Is there going to be an upgrade to Windows Live Mail? Is Windows Live Mail going to be replaced with a new improved email client? Is Windows Live Mail dying an unnatural death? Please tell us something. Please tell us anything.


The following are responses from Microsoft Forum Moderators. This is only a small sampling, typical, but by no means complete. Does anyone from Microsoft browse the Microsoft Community Forums? If Microsoft does, there is no indication that this is happening.


January 05, 2011   Jomary M replied                    

            We are currently investigating on an error that customers encounter when forwarding e-mail with embedded pictures.


January 26, 2011   Jomary M replied        

            This is a known issue in Windows Live Mail.


April 25, 2011   Glenn M replied                

            . . . The product team is still working on a fix . . .


December 27, 2011  Lanie_P. replied

            I already forwarded this issue to Windows Live Team.


February 2, 2012  Gwyneth_A replied

            I escalated your issue to our Windows Live Team for further investigation.


February 6, 2012  Glenda_A replied

            Your issue has now been escalated to a senior support analyst.


March 13, 2012  Merelyn_U replied

            I will now escalate this issue to our Experts.


March 16, 2012  Kathrina_G replied

            We already escalated this issue to our Senior Support Analyst. Please stand by for any updates.


March 27, 2013  Roniel_D. replied

            It appears that only specific images or emails are affected, likely due to the encoding used by those mail apps and we are still working on this one on how we can resolve this on Windows Live Mail future releases.


May 7, 2013   Andreo Paulo_D replied

            I have escalated your concern to a Higher Support Group.


May 9, 2013  Leonard_Su replied

            We really appreciate your efforts and patience in trying the troubleshooting steps. We will forward this issue to our Support Specialist.


June 4, 2013  Ronaldo R. replied

            As of now, our Support Specialists are still in the process for carefully investigating the issue.


June 21, 2013  Leilani P. replied

            I would like to inform you that I will be escalating your issue to our Support Specialist . . .


July 1, 2013  Cesar_E. replied

            As of the moment your query is being handled by our Product Specialist.


July 1, 2013  Garry_V replied

            Please be informed that our Product group is already aware of this issue and they are working to fix this problem.


July 10, 2013  Helene_C replied

            Thank you for your cooperation. I’ve escalated your issue for investigation.


July 14, 2013  Francis_S  replied

            We would like to inform you that we have re-escalated this issue to our Support Specialists . . . .


July 20, 2013   Dhenz S. replied

            We greatly appreciate your time and effort for providing additional information about the issue. This really helped our Support Specialists to speed up the process of their investigation.

I will now forward this to our Support Specialists and to set your expectation, there's no definite time frame for this to be resolved but rest assured they're currently working on regarding this matter.



July 29, 2013  Roniel_D. replied

            We've verified that this is a known issue due to the original formatting of the image before it is forwarded.


July 30, 2013  Richard Jordan_ replied

            I forwarded the file to our Support Specialist for further investigation of the issue.


August 1, 2013  Roniel_D. replied

            We've verified that this is a known issue due to the original formatting of the image before it is forwarded. We've escalated it to our Product Specialist . . .


August 27, 2013  Roniel_D. replied

            We've verified that this is a known issue due to the original formatting of the image before it is forwarded. We've escalated it to our Product Specialist . . .



Could you please have someone with responsibility for Microsoft respond to this issue?


Tom (aka Reallyoldguy)


FYI:  A typical thread:  WLM Pictures Could Not Be Found. - Microsoft Community

Live Mail on my vista machine died, the error message was to uninstall and download and reinstall from explorer.live.com.  I uninstalled and then found that Microsoft no longer supports Live on Vista.  Tried to restore from many instances with no luck. 


Terrible that Microsoft error message didn't warn that there was no way to reinstall the product.  Although they don't suppot it they should at least make the last version accessible.


I need to salvage the address book and e-mail folders from whatever remains of live files.  Can anyone help?



17. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
Microsoft has not fixed error yet. It is almost 2014 and still exist. When will it be fixed. Guess I will have to use other email account. I loved Hotmail never a problem.

I clicked on an advertisement from Microsoft to add my Calendar View to my Live Mail Screen view so I could see my calendar without having to open it.  After clicking the link, my Calendar Screen is now blank.  I still receive Notifications of my Calendar Appointments in my email, but I cannot view my Calendar.

I use Windows 7 Professional and followed a prior recommendation to "Repair All Windows Essentials Programs."  Unfortunately, this did not work.  Please advise the correction needed to view my Calendar.  Thanks.

17. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
Dear all, I wish to seek help and answer from Microsoft Community. I have downloaded Windows Essentials 2012 from Microsoft's website. However, it does not work after installing. A notification saying that "Click 'close' to start Windows Essentials". However, it doesn't start at all after doing so. I hope that I will have a solution to this. Thank You.

After an upgrade from Microsoft. It seems my mail profile and e-mails that I stored locally to my computer has been erased. I found "Microsoft User Data" folder in the trash bin. I restored it back to the hard drive and rebuild it. I wasn't able to recover the e-mails that I stored locally on the computer.

Is there a way I can recover this?

I'm running Mountain Lion: 10.8.5. Using Outlook 2011 - 14.3.9. 

Thank You
15. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Je ne parviens pas à supprimer totalement un compte Microsoft. J'en ai créé un autre mais lorsque mon ordi s'allume c'est mon ancienne adresse du compte qui s'affiche dont le mot de passe ne fonctionne d'ailleurs plus et le message suivant s'affiche : compte inexistant, veuillez en créer un.

J'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider car je n'ai plus accès à rien, Microsoft Store demande une identification comme d'autre application.

Je vous en remercie par avance.


11. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:
i recently found myself no longer able to log into one of my hotmail account using the password which i've been using forever.. 
i have reason believe it's been hacked and stolen because when i got onto the 'forgot password' page. it has a "back up" email address ive never seen.
no matter how many time i tried with the account retrieve form, it always give me the automatic reply email within 10sec saying no enough information provided.
I really feel helpless here and there are some important emails that i really need to get into in that email account.. 
Is there anyway i can get my account back. I think when i do the security check, i did link my mobile number to the account and i have been receiving message from Microsoft on my phone. 
