I made the mistake of thinking that my friend sent me some pictures via SkyDrive where the link read Click here to see the attached photos, that seem to infect my account and it's now sending tons of the same type of e-mail to all of my contacts.  I'm running ESET NOD 32 AntiVirus.  Do I allow it sometime to destroy it or does anyone have a better solution? .................Mike

Managed to get new Hotmail acct but can't get into the one that disappeared when win 8 moved in .  Won't accept new winlivve ID or any changes of password or user name .I sent myself an email from the new account to the old one and it didn't bounce back, so the old one is still there but I can't access it to read.



I recently by mistake clicked something that has deleted one of my contacts & blocked all future emails from her - don't know how I did this except that I was trying to reduce the size of the screen ( which I still haven't managed) I need that e m address & would like to know how I can reverse my error please? Thanks

I recently went to find an email from the 25th may 2012 and relised i must of deleted it or emptied it by mistake is there any way of retrieving them

thanks in advance


In my "Windows Live ID:" I have 10 addresses. I want to keep 6 of these active, and delete 4. These 4  were entered by mistake, so I didn't know

their passwords (or have forgotten them). This is seeming impossible.


18. May 2012 · Comments Off on how do you correct a spelling mistake on an email sent? · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,
Please I sent email with a spelling mistake, attached resume for employment, how do I correct the mistake on front page tharge the front page pace page 
i used pop folder in conjugation with outlook express in my XP.
i deleted by mistake pop folder( under delete folder )
how can i restore it?
*Always leave a copy of the message on the server option is enabled in outlook express
*i tried to switch options in :
1. In your Hotmail inbox, click Options and then more options.
2. Under Managing your account, click POP and deleting downloaded messages
but the folder did not reappear :(

08. May 2012 · Comments Off on I accepted someone on messenger that I don’t know by mistake and how do I delete them? · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,
How do I delete this person.